Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!

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[It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!]

A short chapter filled with fluff. Compared to other chapters has way more Technoblade in it to all of you who also have a Technoblade-shaped hole in your hearts like me and need the Technoblade related fluffy content to satisfy the lack of him.


"Does it hurt?" Ranboo asked.

"No. I healed it enough to not hurt. But I can't get rid of the scar on my face nor the ones on my hands and forearm", Tommy said, looking at his hands and turning them in different directions to see all the scars.

"Consider them as a mark of being cool. You healed my injury as well, but it still left a permanent huge scar on my face", Tubbo tried.

"Eh, I guess", Tommy said.

"Woah, what happened?!" Phil asked standing up.

"Shattered a vase. Got hit by the shards. Got a few cool scars. You know, the usual stuff in the life of big man Tommy 'Innit' WasTaken", Tommy said.

"Yeah, 'usual' life, we can tell", Techno said with a small smirk. "You could be calling those battle scars as well, just from the looks of them", he added.

Something sparked in Tommy's eyes. "Yes! You're absolutely right, Techno. I will call these my battle scars!" he said.

"Just don't forget to mention the idea was from me", Techno said, standing up and ruffling Tommy's hair.

"Will do!" Tommy said looking proud.

Then something lit up in his eyes again. "Techno, follow me, now!" Tommy said as he practically dragged Techno outside.

"Heh?! What now?!" Techno complained.

"Don't worry, I just know you'll like it! I kinda just remembered something about my childhood", Tommy said.

They walked across the road and into the small forest there. Tommy trudged his way through while pulling a very confused Techno.

"Tommy, where are we going?" Techno asked. He had now accepted his fate of having to get dragged by Tommy.

"Shush", was all Tommy responded with.
Soon the came out of the forest to a small cliff.

"Ta-da!" Tommy said turning towards Techno and spreading his hands, letting go of Techno's hand.

The moon was shining upon the lake they stood upon. All you could hear was the cool breeze and the forest's noises.
Techno stood there in awe. Tommy had spent way more time with his brother, yet he had somehow knew Techno would like this. The quiet and calm but beautiful scenery that was located hidden in the loud and busy city.

"Tommy, this is...", Techno started, but he was at a loss of words. A rare occurrence for him.

"I brought a few books. The ones you let me borrow", Tommy said.

He walked over to a tiny cave made of rocks and pulled out a well made wooden box. He took out a key from his pocket and opened it.

"But when did you bring them here?" Techno asked.

"The first night I came home. I remembered it while laying in bed and sneaked out to come here and read", Tommy said as he pulled out the books from the box. "Me and Clay, my older brother, used to come here quite a lot. He was actually the one who showed me this place", Tommy explained. "I wanted to show this to you too", he added smiling.

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