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The sound of sirens going off in the distance filled your ears despite it being a good distance away. Screams and shouts were also heard as you made your way through the forest, trying to get away from the place that imprisoned you.

You endless stream of tears blinded you as you stressed about the idea of getting caught. Your heavy breathing was making your chest and throat hurt as you didn't let yourself stop running, but you knew you couldn't run for long.

Your legs were aching and your poor bare feet stung as twigs and rocks stood in your path. Your feet were no doubt getting cut up, but you didn't stop.

You had no physical strength and hardly any stamina, yet your determination was unmatched.

You were not about to go back.

Unfortunately, you couldn't keep this up, you were weak. Starved and exhausted, you knew you wouldn't last.

The lab you escaped from made sure to keep you weak, so you would not fight back nor escape.

The experiments you endured were torture, and you've had enough.
You knew what they were doing to you, yet you didn't know why exactly. You knew they wanted a weapon, but they had yet to control it. Needles and tubes will forever haunt you.

You were dangerous, and they kept you weak to give you limits. They'd given you abilities that you nor they could handle. Abilities you didn't want. The only time they would 'train' you was when they would check to see if your powers worked, to see if their experiments were a success.

You didn't know how to use them.

How would you be able to control them?

You were pulled out of your thoughts on what might happen if you were ever caught when you heard a loud boom.


You almost stopped running once feeling drops hit your exposed skin. You've never felt rain before, water from the sky? You weren't even allowed outside even though the thought of the outside world captivated you.

Another loud boom rang through your ears catching you off guard and making you trip and fall.

A whimper left your mouth as you looked around anxiously in search of the sound, not knowing it was only thunder. The thunder was only letting you know a storm was coming. You wiped your face aggressively, wiping away the tears in your eats so you could see better, but there was nothing to see but trees.

The rain soon got heavy until it was pouring, soaking your hospital gown and your hair. You gasped as you were suddenly soaked by the weather and got up once the dirt under you turned into mud.

You sobbed as you looked around, not knowing where to go, and your legs ached as you stood. Sore from so much running as your body was not used to exercise.

Not letting yourself sit and rest, you shakily started to run again. You would not stop running until sirens and men shouting were deaf in your ears.

You gasped as you heard the shouts get even louder signifying that they were close, close to catching you.

You immediately turned your head to look back, but the brightness of their flashlights blinded you and you tripped against and began to fall down. You slid down the large hill, getting covered in mud and scratches. Twigs, rocks, branches, sticks, and plenty of other nature cut into your flesh. Scratches and cuts layered over your old scars and some even got reopened and you tumbled down the hill.

Thankfully your tumble came to a stop but not before your head hit a rock causing your vision to go hazy. Trying to blink away the blurriness in your vision, you tried to get up. Your arms shook under your weight and you stopped trying, your eyes soon close and your vision went black as you went unconscious.

Lab rat (Teen Titan VARIOUS x reader)Where stories live. Discover now