[ご] 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕓𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕞𝕖

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Class-1B arrives back in their classroom after their dismissal. You all sit back in your seats, not really knowing what to do next as it's the end of this half day. Vlad King comes into the classroom a bit later, holding a bundle of blue cloth in his fists.

"I know that, technically, you're all allowed to leave now," he says, "but I have some free time. So, we can get this Quirk Apprehension Test over with."

A girl with light gray hair raises her hand, "What's a Quirk Apprehension Test?" she asks dully.

"It's like those physical test you've done in school, except using your quirks," Vlad King replies.

"Oh, scary."

"It really isn't."

Vlad King holds out his fists, "If you have time right now, take a P.E. uniform and get changed before going outside. If you need to go home now, go. You can take it at first thing tomorrow."

No one rejects his offer: in fact, everyone takes their uniform without question, eagerly ready for the test. You take yours with a bright smile on your face, buzzing with anticipation to see everyone use their quirks and to use yours. Vlad follows behind his students out the classroom, a bit (pleasantly) surprised at their reactions. 

They're a rambunctious group of kids that's for sure.

You and the rest of the girls change quickly; the energy of the room is prevalent with the mutual excitement of taking this Quirk Assessment, which didn't leave much room for surface-level introductions.

"I can't wait to use my quirk here," a short girl, with a sharp brown bob, exclaims with childlike glee, "I heard the field is really big! There's going to be so much room; it will be shroom-tastic!"

A smile spits your lip at her cute mannerisms, "What's your quirk?"

"I'm so glad you asked," she squeals, booping your nose suddenly.

Confused, you scrunch up your nose in response to her touch. Then, a brown mushroom sprouts from the tip of your nose. 

"Wow," you breathe, your eyes fixated at the fungus, "that's really unique! I've never seen a quirk like it. I'm Y/n L/n," Now that you get a good look at her, a mushroom quirk makes sense. In a way, she reminds you of cute little mushroom.

"Thank you, L/n!" she brushes the mushroom off your nose for you, "I'm Komori Kinoko."

"You can call me Y/n, if you'd like."

She thinks for a moment, "I probably won't, but thanks for the offer!" 

Komori skips off, humming to herself without waiting for your reply. Your interaction with Komori leaves you perturbed, yet amused. You would definitely be talking to her again soon, especially about her quirk. What offensive moves can mushrooms do, you wonder.

"Alright Class 1-B, let's start."

Well, you're about to find out.

The class clusters around in a large swarm, marveling at U.A.'s grand field. Larger than any football field you have ever seen, the field comprises of an endless stretch of bright green grass, along with pits of sand and obstacles courses purposed for the physical betterment of its students. But you aren't thinking about that.

You are just wondering: "How can U.A. possibly be this rich?"

"The same reason why everything that's rich is," a low voice grunts above you. You glance upwards; iris meeting the shiny glare that bounced off the stranger's glasses (another square-framed boy). "The government."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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