{T W O}

582 19 8

'' 1 week before conny's
"adoption" ''

word count: 800

[your pov]

now, time to catch norman!

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now, time to catch norman!

norman is definitely the most difficult to catch out of the kids here, he's great at spotting weaknesses in others.

even i can't beat him in tag most of the time and we get the same test scores!

after running for a little, i see him go behind a bush.

i go sprinting after him, my legs ache, i feel like they could give up any minute.

but i really want to win.

so i keep on running. as fast as possible.

i push myself to go faster, i'm right behind him, i reach my arm out and the tip on my fingers barely touch his shoulder.

we both stop running and my legs finally give out, i sit down on the brown earth and he sits next to me.

"looks like you caught me!" he smiles kindly at me.

"barely." i smile back.

we're both out of breath so we silently agree that we would stay sat down for a few minutes.

"hey flower?" norman breaks the silence.


"when do you think we'll get adopted?" he asks while wrapping his arms around his knees.

hm. that was a random question.

"i'm not sure, um..but can you promise me something?"

norman tilts his head slightly to the right, "sure! what is it?"

"when we get adopted, promise me that we'll all look for each other."

his pale cheeks redden ever so slightly. "of course! i was planning on it!"

i open my mouth to say something but don, emma, gilda and nat came running over.

{flower}. (norman x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now