Love 7: "I'll be your eyes"

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Jungkook's samchon visited him and asked him to go out and enjoy the lantern festival today near the beach of Busan.

"I don't want to." Jungkook answered lazily.

"Ehh— but why? You used to enjoy it when you are younger." His samchon said as he keeps on pulling Jungkook's risk that was busily reading some books. Yes he can read— thanks to the invention of braille...

"That was when I was younger. Too old to believe that my wishes will come true just because of the lantern." Jungkook answered. Suhyuk sighed in full of disappointment and sadness, of course Jungkook can feel his samchon— but he just can't say that he can't enjoy it because he was blind— and he knows his samchon will not listen to him— he wants his samchon to enjoy the night out with his neighbor noona— also known as Chae Yon— he heard that he's been talking to him.

"You can just ask Chae Yon noona— who knows she might get some inspiration with her script." Jungkook said. He wants to be cupid... he wants his Samchon to be happy too. When his parents died... 4 years ago. Suhyuk stopped everything— he was a single man with his small business about some collectible anime figurines... but everything change when he came to his Samchon's life— he didn't have a choice but to be a father and a mother to blind person like him— he knows it was too much burden. Suhyuk had a choice to just leave him in some home for people with disability but he didn't do it— because he loves his nephew so much and made a promise to his older sister.

"Well she already agree that she will come... but I want you to be with us too— you can't just stay here always." Suhyuk said. "How you will find the one if you locked yourself in this four sides room huh?" Suhyuk said and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Samchon, the one that you were telling was looking for me he just need to come here in my apartment." Jungkook answered annoyed. "Noww shooo~ enjoy your date with Chae Yon noona and imma go back to sleep." Jungkook said he decided to act tired too so his samchon would stopped on asking him.

"Okay bye." Suhyuk said reenacting Hannah's voice from from Frozen 1. Jungkook chuckled with his Samchon's tone.

Jungkook went back to his bed... he really want to go there. It was one the best festival that happens in Busan... it is just he knows he will not enjoy it since he can't see anything...

"Jungkook-ah get ready help me prepare the kimbap." His mother said... he went downstairs and helped his mom on preparing the food.

"Dad is coming right?" He asked.

"I know you are both busy but you always make time for something like this..." Jungkook said pouting feeling blessed that his parents are really busy person but he was so lucky that they love him so much.

"Of course baby. We will do this always even if you have your boyfriend already." Jungkook looked at his mom— surprised— like how did his mother know—

"Son. I know you are my son. And we accept you no matter who you are." She said and hugged his son.

He heard a doorbell— he was saved by the bell again. He went out and opened the door because he was sure that it was his samchon.

But he smelled the familiar strawberry muffin— "Hi." He greeted.

"Hyung." Jungkook said and the older was kinda surprised that the younger knows that it was him without him talking.

"How did you know?" Taehyung asked.

"Just my guts." Jungkook answered. Lie. He just got used to Taehyung's smell that's why.

"Anyways— what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked changing the topic.

"Ohh— I would like to ask you out." Taehyung started he looked at the younger— he can see that Jungkook was confused of why he was being asked to go out. "Wait— no don't get me wrong. I don't ask you out for a date... it's just I know I've been a burden for you— I mean you always cook for me and you take good care of me." Taehyung said scratching his nape as he was anxious if the younger would decline him. "I also want to repay your kindness to me." Taehyung added. Jungkook blushed— yes— the older didn't failed on making him blushed again.

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