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The air grew heavier as Vihaan looked into the windows of the room where Aradhya and others tend to the injured prince of Ashokdhar. He had come to meet Aradhya, and beg for her forgiveness but instead was met with a terribly shocking scene. Though he was still concerned about his son Vihaan was tensed about how Aradhya would feel by him being there. It was evident that they didn't have the best relationship in the world at then. 

He noticed Gaurang saunter over to him and stand beside him with his arms crossed over his chest. He sighed next to Vihaan. 

"You seem to be awfully disgusted at yourself. I wouldn't expect anything less." Gaurang stated to which Vihaan glanced at him. He was right. He had no choice but to hate himself over what he did. And if he didn't it would be nothing but monstrosity living within him. 

"Yes, look at her. She always had a glint in her eye which is lost now. She always used to be smiling and used to joke around and now it seems like she is a whole new person. someone who was attacked."

"Well, I cannot deny that. She was attacked...literally and hypothetically."

Vihaan felt his heart crumble again and he was well aware of the fact that no matter how many times he tried to put all of the pieces of his heart together and be there for himself, he could never. It was a dark mark in his books that he could never erase. 

 "I don't know how much she hates me now and how much I need to do to get her to love me back." 

Gaurang dropped his hands, "You know...she still does love you Vihaan. She never gave up on loving you. It is just that she doesn't believe in you. She gave her everything to you and your family and your kingdom and in the end, she was met with nothing but a false accusation and a broken heart."

"I broke her," he sighed, "Can you please talk to her. Or at least tell me what I should do to redeem myself."

Gaurang gaped at him for a moment. "I cannot possibly tell you what you should do. She is your wife after all," he started walking away but stopped midway, "And for another...you didn't break her. You are not that powerful." 

.   .   .   .

Vihaan stood before Aradhya, their proximity was the same as it was 17 years ago but one thing had changed. The two weren't standing to express how much they loved each other but they sure were standing to get every pent up emotion within them. 

Vihaan glanced at Aradhya from head to toe but his eyes caught onto the scar on her gut. The most evident feature to have adorned Aradhya's body. He discreetly lifted his hand and softly brushed his fingers along the scar. 

Aradhya's blood ran cold. Touch starved for seventeen years, she did nothing but take in Vihaan's touch. Though she knew it was not right on her part to do so, she couldn't let the moment slip away.

"Who did this?" Vihaan spoke in a hoarse tone as his throat dried up. the scar under his touch was more painful than anything he had comprehended in the past couple of days.

Aradhya sharply breathed and stepped back putting distance between them. Vihaan drew back his hand in disappointment and sighed.

"Sorry, Aradhya..." Vihaan took and step towards Aradhya.

"You've come an awfully long way to say just that." Aradhya room a step back.

"Please, Aradhya...I promise...I will do anything I can to gain your trust. Please, I am genuinely sorry. I have been nothing but trouble and an absolute jerk to you."

"I can't say no to that." Aradhya smiled sarcastically yet with a stung expression on her face.

"No one is blaming you now, Aradhya. No one is going to hate you from now on. I have proven you innocent. I have done everything to clear your name of the ignorantly put accusation..."

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