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Aradhya sat in their room as she eyes the books on the field from a distance. Though she kept looking at all her love in the same place, widespread across the wall, she had different thoughts in her head.

As Aradhya walked to her room after Vihaan left her at the door, she noticed a quick movement. Out of nowhere, Rajmata Bhadra stood in front of Aradhya. Both of them sighed in relief knowing it wasn't someone burglar.

"Oh, God! Aradhya. You should have alerted someone. I really thought it was the outcasts." Rajmata drew a breath.

"The who? Who are the outcasts?"  Aradhya nimbly asked

Rajmata went stoic for a minute then guided Aradhya to her room. Almost as she trusted her with what she was saying.

"The outcasts... When Vihaan started to rule at nineteen. When he had just witnessed the death of his father...he was cold. He would get infuriated at every little thing." Rajmata uttered.

Aradhya curiously asked, "What does that have anything to do with the outcasts.?"

"As he was still young, Vihaan was not familiar with all the discontent of people. At the time, as we had to shift to a new kingdom or perhaps rise a new kingdom after Shiladhika, the people were starting to get more impatient."

"This kingdom is the most suffice kingdom I've ever seen and yet?"

"Remember Aradhya. This was raised from the ground. By Vihaan. He put his soul into this kingdom. But along the way, he has made mistakes. The outcasts...some people with relevant and overly important issues pressed their king for immediate help. And Vihaan being the hot-headed fool that he is, mistook their request for a revolt and cast them out. They were innocent. They were the best of the people we had. The best doctors, best farmers, best women I've had the pleasure of knowing. But after they were cast out, they stuck together."

"Why would they be here?"

"There was an incident once. One of them tried to attack Vihaan. But then was killed by his blade. People say they have seen them lurking around in the city. Sometimes in the capital."

She wanted to meet them. Aradhya was hellbent on meeting them. She didn't know how dangerous situations caught her attention but they did. She stood up and walked over to the books.

.   .   .   .

Vihaan walked furiously to his room. Where Aradhya would be. The doors were kept open and as Vihaan walked closer towards the room he could see Aradhya standing at his bookshelf, looking over the books while she fastened her nath in place.

She saw Vihaan and inwardly wondered why he looked so infuriated. She got back to minding her things when Vihaan's painful grip caught her arms and she winced at the pain. She caught him looking at her very differently. His gaze was not the one which she had caught in yesterday's beautiful night. It wasn't the one she saw when they were standing with no space between them in the compound. It was different. It was fury.

"Why did you do that?" Vihaan asked gritting his teeth. Aradhya's face scrunched up.

"Why did I do what?"

"Stop your facade, Aradhya. I know you are the one who made Nandini fall down the main stairs of the palace."

"What? When did that happen? Is she okay?" Aradhya asked trying her escape his grip, wanting to get to Nandini as soon as possible. But Vihaan held her with a grip ten times more painful than the last one.

"If you think this is funny, then know that it's not. I'm asking you this one time why did you do it?"

"Are you seriously putting this on me? I didn't even know when it all happened, was I not with you the entire night?"

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