Friends With Benefits 2

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"Wake up." Jaidyn whispers gently, shaking my shoulder.

"No." I groan sleepily, rolling over to face the other way.

"Wake up!" He says louder.




"Yes!" He nudges my ribs. "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

"No!" I yell. "Why do you have to be annoying so early on a Saturday morning?"

"I'm Jaidyn," He answers in explanation before continuing our argument. "Wake up."

"Only if you cook me bacon." I bargain and he sighs.

"You never make me food," He points out. "And you're the woman!"

"Shut up," My hand hits his chest and he groans. "Don't mess with me, Jefferson, or I'll call my big scary dad in here."

"Please," He laughs hysterically. "Your dad loves me!"

There's a knock on the door before, coincidently, my dad sticks his head. "He's right, Mel! I'm off to work, make sure you kids eat something." He pops his toast in his mouth and straightens up his tie before waving. My door slams shut after him.

"Told you," Jay teases. "Come on, let's go make us some food."

"Where's my good morning kiss?" I ask jokingly, raising my eyebrows.

"Right here," He points to his grinning lips before he smashes them on my own. I instantly moan. As my tongue meets his he pulls away, leaving me pouting. His grin broadens. "Time to eat!"

He pulls me out of bed and before he can drag me downstairs I quickly put on a pair of comfy tracks and throw my bed hair into a messy bun.

"Finally," He pushes me in front of him. "Lead the way."

I roll my eyes at his impatience as we head for the stairs. Jaidyn's usually a very patient person, unless there's food involved.

"I'll get the bacon and you start the frying pan." He tells me, smirking.

Jaidyn knows I won't be able to cook for my life if the need ever arises, he just enjoys watching me struggle. One year we cooked dinner for his parents. The only reason I remember is because I set their kitchen on fire... That was embarrassing.

"How about I find the bacon and you do the frying pan?" He laughs, nodding in agreement as he makes his way to the stove. I head for the freezer, pulling out a pack of bacon. "Might as well cook all of it. If we don't you'll just eat mine."

"Shut up," He pushes me away after taking the bacon from me. "The stomach wants what the stomach wants."

I watch in amusement as he shoves a whole piece of toast in his mouth, bacon along with it. "Let's try a quiz."

When we were eight we made up a game called 'The Best Friend Quiz', where we ask each other random questions about ourselves, and whoever answered the most right won.

It was a silly thing we started but yet can't seem to stop. We rarely play it anymore, but once in a while Jaidyn will insist so we do.

It always makes me feel nostalgic.

"Okay," I agree, finishing off my sandwich before he can steal it. "We haven't played in a while,"

"I know. I think the last time we played was on the way to last years camp," He admits before sending me a simple question. "What's my favorite color?"

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