Chapter 1: The Abandoned Border

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The Pet duo had to find a source of corpses soon enough to control the Geyser's temperature before it was too late. Both girls and the Zombie Fairies returned to Surface as soon as possible.

Utsuho: "Where could we begin, Rin-Chan? You are the expert searching for Corpses here."

Orin: "Since no one is dying here today we could try elsewhere. Girls, is time to trace any sign of death, nya!"

The Undead Fairies nod and start smelling the air getting in several pairs until one of them pointed northeast with the index finger.

Orin: "They have something!"

Utsuho: "Lead the way, if anyone dares to opose us things are gonna melt down!"

The head of the fairies with the usual construction helmet orders to take the pyramid formation to travel one above each other at the Cart. They had the balance trained enough to not fall off. The cat would speed up her driving through Forest. Everything was getting dark since by now twilight ends and day is giving pass to Night. Stars were illuminating sky already but the atmosphere went even darker since trees look more dead, dry and creepier by every second they go further.

Utsuho: "What's this purple mist? I feel poison in the air. Rin-Chan, don't breath this!"

Orin: "This... this is the smell of Death... is Miasma! But to find it in this concentration meow... this is not normal, is even vissible!"

The Yatagarasu flies above to observe how everything ahead was covered in a dense wall of that mist, not even the sky could be seen from that point. Some sounds belonging to living beings who probably weren't from this world could be heard. The roar from monsters. The black-haired woman descends inmediately.

Utsuho: "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you! Just focus on finding the Corpses... this Miasma is not a problem for me, just give me a sec!"

A nuclear alarm sounds announcing Utsuho's spell. She makes a red sun to float into the air and its Gravity drags the poisonous mist stream to itself. After some seconds the sun becomes purple and explodes. The path was almost clear now, and the transformation made by the Miasma caused the Forest to poison and die in a crude way. Trees were presenting a twisted, dry and greyish aspect, grass couldn't grow and countless animal and people's bones were scattered all over the place. The Zombie Fairies look at the scene between terryfied and shocked, Orin made a painfully sad face while Utsuho rubs her eyes twice.

Orin: "The vast amount of Miasma did this... poor people, nya..."

Utsuho: "I see weapons like swords and spears. This people didn't seem to know how to use any Danmaku."

Orin: "We can breath... for now. I know that being a curious cat is bad sometimes but I want to save their souls, Okuu-Chan! When I get a corpse I like to make its soul rest in peace. But even if we don't really get carcasses... I can't leave like nothing!"

Exclaims the red-haired feline with doll eyes, asking her couple for help. The Yatagarasu embraces the cat in response surrounding her with the arms and putting her head on a shoulder.

Utsuho: "We'll save them. Okay? Who know what else could happen if we don't cut the Miasma's source."

Suddenly some creepy and undescriptable shapeless monsters surrounded them. They looked like cosmic horrors with multiple tentacles, eyes and teeth, made of purplish rotten flesh. The couple and the Fairies position to cover the backs of each other.

Orin: "We have company, ugh... they look disgusting, nya! Are they aliens?"

Utsuho: "They will learn very soon who did they messed up with!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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