Chapter 13- For now is over.

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Pony stood there frozen, he had a tear rolling down his cheek slowly and he felt a lump in his throat. His hands were down by his sides shaking.

"Wh-what happened?" Pony stuttered out.
Amelia looked over at him and replied: "I don't know Ponyboy." That of course got him more worried. Dally was still standing there where he was before.
"For now is gone.." Dal whispered to himself.
Amelia looked over at him, half hearing what he said.
"You said he's ok, right now, for now." Amelia nodded sighing.

Ponyboy walked over and stood next to his usual side of the bed, across from Amelia and Dally; he walked over very still and scared. He just didn't wanna lose it like last time.

Johnny kept opening and closing his eyes like as if he was about to fall asleep, and every time this would happen, everyone in the room would get worried and Johnny would shake himself awake. Pony reached down and help Johnny's hand...Johnny held his too.

Amelia looked over at them and said: "the might have been the cake." She was obviously sitting there thinking.
Dally: "the cake killed him?"
Pony looked up at Amelia and then back down at Johnny and started crying, not excessive bawling but enough so you knew he was crying.
Pony's hand was shaking in Johnny's...
"The cake? The cake killed my boy..the cake killed Johnny?" Pony said in obvious tears.
Amelia: "in a way maybe...his body was obviously delicate and he has only been used to soft things like water and soup. But this was a whole other thing. He's....I knew the whole time he-"
Pony cut her off: "he's not ok? He's not ok.."
Amelia: "guys he isn't dead...he is clearly breathing."
"Barely" Dally breathed, trying not to cry like Pony but he could feel some tears on his cheeks.

All of a sudden, Pony felt Johnny's hand go numb.

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