What's Next?

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Hi everyone! Now that The Summer Reunion is over, I wanted to announce all of the things you guys will be seeing on here next! This update is me throwing around some possibilities, informing you all on my new project and schedule, and some stuff that will be available on my instagram. 

For starters, The Summer Reunion is a standalone book. There will not be a sequel, as you could tell from the ending. However....I have been considering a sort of Summer Reunion Universe (official name pending lol) where there is another story at the camp, with different characters. This is not my next project, but I am a big fan of what I like to call pallet cleanser stories. Something people can read and laugh about through their day that lightens their mood. So this is a possibility of something you will see in the future. It might not be a serious story, but I love writing rom coms. Sue me. (I actually already have an idea for this, but I have another project in mind first). 

So *drumroll please* I'd officially like to announce the next thing you will be seeing! And that is.....

The Summer Reunion (edited version)!


This is the first book and piece of writing I have ever worked on. I knew I'd only be able to finish it if I was able to share it with other people, so I updated weekly as I wrote the chapters. However, I have spent a lot of time on this story and want to make sure everyone enjoys it as much as possible! 

So when I say edited version, I mean: new scenes that fit/are written better, cleaner dialogue, cutting out irrelevant bits, and making sure everything flows plot wise. I have an entire notes app of jokes I never added and I've known since writing the middle of the book that I wanted to go back and rewrite the beginning to make it a little longer. I also haven't had a chance to go back and reread the story yet, so who knows what I'll find! 

But don't worry! I'm not deleting the rough draft. I'm keeping it here in case there is something anyone wants to go back to. I know the original copy of things can sometimes attach to people more. 

Another reason I wanted to go back was because I wanted to flesh out the characters. One thing I noticed in particular was Izzie's character. She is not the "Dumb blond mean girl" that she may have been portrayed as. I want to make it clear moving forward that she's the antagonist not because she's a woman, and not because she's a pretty blonde, but because she lives in a world of privilege that has been given to her by the men around her. From her dad and Drew. I didn't make that as clear as I wanted to, so I want to say it now and add it in as best as I can. 

I want to answer a few questions you all may have. 

1. I will be editing this over the summer, and I am expecting to begin posting it at the beginning of September. if that changes I will post an update on my page, so follow me to get the notifications. I expect this to only take around two months, and then I will begin writing something else. 

2. The updates will be three times a week. Since this book will be fully completed and updated once I'm done with the full thing. You've already read the story, except for the new stuff that will be added, I don't want to make you all wait so long. 

3. I already know my next project and I am going to start writing it when I am updating these chapters weekly, so hopefully there won't be too much of a break between when the edited version is complete and when the new project is released. As for the next one...I'm extremely excited. It's the story I've always wanted to make and I've had this planned since half way through writing this one. But I have to ask, if my next book has more of a serious type of plot that still has a little comedy and is romance, would you all be interested? I don't want to give too much away, but I want to write what people want to read. 

Again, I don't want to change everything about this book. The plot will be the same. I'm only going to go back and fix any inconsistencies and anything else to make it more enjoyable to read. 

This also means new cover art! if any of u want to have an opinion there will be a post on my instagram (wordsandescapism) about the different options! In the mean time I've posted a placeholder for the official story that you can all add to your libraries, or follow me so you get the notification when I post! 

One more thing: Is there anything you guys would like to see in the edited version? You all read it more than I have, so I'd love to hear your feedback. You can leave it here in the comments or feel free to DM me. Maybe there's an important conversation you were expecting to happen, or another fun scene that you would love to see added. Perhaps a scene you liked was cut short, or you want to see more of one character. Anything! Let me know! 

If you have any questions, leave them here! 

Forgot to add: On my instagram I will be posting snippets of the edited version, little jokes or quotes that were never added, the new cover art, and lots of other stuff. So if you're interested, go check it out! 

Hopefully I will see you all again soon. Until then, 

-Reese <3

The Summer Reunion (unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now