Chapter 1

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It had been years since Jason was taken in by the known super villian Two Face or also known as Harvey Dent. He was in his room getting ready for his debut stage as he put on an carefully sewn and planed out suit of black and white. While having his father figure banging at his bedroom door yelling at him, "Fucking hurry up brat or the bat would get to the bank before we could!" He had yelled.

Which to that Jason would only reply with, "Just wait father perfection can only take time i don't want my debut as your ward to ho badly. And for that I need to be fully dressed in my finest suit to draw eyes on mu direction to be noticed by the public." He spoke smiling while his words seemed to piss of Two Face even more.

Once he was finally dressed and geared up walked out of his room looking like a gentleman. Two Face was already outside in the car waiting impatiently for him to get in as he had walked out with some men joining their ride.

Jason was smiling cockily the whole time as he would deem that confidence is the key of success. Because if you don't feel confident in what you are doing or who you are than you will be going nowhere in life. You need to have confidence is tou are wanting to change the status qow of the world that you live in. Well that's what he had always believes.

And as of tonight he was going to play.

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