Chapter 15

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Nightwing sighs as he looked over the city until he had heard footsteps behind him. Swiping his head around quickly he saw who it was. Quarter. To be all honest he was not too happy to see the man at all today as he was both mentally and physically exhausted from his life as a hero and now just wished to be normal or for something normal to happen to him at least.

Quarter held that cocky look as he normally had in turn made Nightwing want to either kiss the smirking lips of the male or punch his face in. Both of those things sounded appealing to him right now. 

Quarter looked the hero smirking but soon frowns as he notice the immense hostility coming from Nightwing. "Oh wow why so anger I've been on my best behaviour today so why the scary, brooding look? It really doesn't suit your style." He says that had gave the hero a tick mark.

"Oh shut up!" Nightwing yells as he threw the first punch only to feel something slimy and wet being wrapped around his body. It was at that moment Jason glared and grinned maniacally at the vigilante with such blood lust. "I could easily kill you right now if I wanted to would be so much more useful to me alive. Aren't that right my little pet~"

Nightwing shivered at those words before feeling himself being taken away in the shadows to only never see the light of day again.

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