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The Japanese girl turned around to face who called her, "hi Karina-unnie."

Karina smiled, standing next to Giselle in front of the school, "hey..."

"Do you want to ask me something?"

"... Did you know Winter had a brother?"

The younger girl nodded, "yeah, I met him a few times. Cut Winter's hair short, make her a lot taller, then boom, there he is. Although... When we got into our 10th year, we both didn't see him much. Winter never talked about it but I always thought he had enlisted into the army since he was old enough."

Karina slowly nodded, "Giselle... Winter told me that he was one of the victims of the Black Mamba..."

Giselle flinched, turned to stare at Karina, "really? Oh jeez... That's why she ran that day huh."

Karina nodded again, "yeah... She seemed so normal though..."

Giselle weakly chuckled, "Winter's always been like that. She doesn't like other people to help her with her problems since she thinks it'd be a burden... And she doesn't like to go outside much either because she thinks if she stays inside, less trouble will brew."

"Ah I see..."

"Yup... I've always tried to bring her out, you know? Have some fun, watch a movie or go to an amusement park... She'd enjoy it if she actually went."

Karina smiled, "maybe we can try again."

Giselle smirked at that moment, "why, you think since you're her 'babe' she'll say yes?"

Karina softly pushed Giselle's shoulder, looking away to hide her blush, "no, don't say things like that Giselle."

The younger girl laughed, "okay~ But if I'm right I get teasing rights."

'Oh please no,' was all Karina thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

The school's front doors opened then, and out came Winter and NingNing.

"Hey guys."

"Hi unnies."

Karina smiled at all of them, "ready to go?"

All of them nodded, walking together in the direction of the bus. They'd be hanging out today at Karina's home, so they decided to all take the same bus...


Winter grinned, running past her friends to the front of an alley, "Ttang Kong-ah~"

If someone that didn't know her from school saw her, they'd have thought she was a little kid at how cutely she called to the dog before skipping up to him.

Giselle and NingNing both stared at Karina, "who?"

"A stray dog, he always waits for Winter here. Come on, he doesn't bite."

The two followed Karina as she crouched down in front of the fluffy boy, "hi Kong, remember me?"


Winter smiled at the dog, giving him a much needed head scratch, "not only is Karina here, but I brought my other friends too, say hi, Kong!"


Giselle and NingNing smiled, giving the dog lots of affection.

"Awwww hi Kong~"

"Hi you little fluffy cutie~ Who's a good boy~"

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