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"Let us commence the operation, is she ready?"

A masked man in a lab coat nodded, "yes sir, we've taken her out of the cryotube two days ago, her vitals have been stable so far."

The head doctor nodded back, "good, bring her into the op room with care."

"Of course, sir."

As his assistant left, the man got himself ready, bringing out certain machines that'd help in their operation.

He then rolled in a metallic box, opening the spherical glass lid at the top.

Three others came in then, carefully pushing an electromagnetically floating hospital bed, an unconscious woman laying there, silent, but alive.

She had fair skin, her hair was up to her waist, the very tips being a hue blue, three fourths of the rest a whitish-blonde, the rest up to her roots a dark brown.

She's been in a coma since 2020, one hundred and eighty years.

To be exact, she's only been "alive" until 2022, that was when they put her in cryosleep.

Now finally... They had the tools to save her.

"Kim Minjeong, comatosed at seventeen, biologically twenty, chronologically one hundred and ninety seven years old. Female, Korean, her father used to be head of this hospital back in 2030. His final wish to us was to save her, however long it took."

The doctor nodded as one of the men read from a tablet, "is her room ready?"

"Yes sir."

"And the girl?"

"Yes sir, we've woken her up as well today."

"Good, we need Minjeong to wake up as comfortably as possible, let the events slowly come to her to not overwork her brain. Let us start."

He brought something that looked similar to an old dentist light, flicking the button on to reveal a purple-ish blue glow.

Someone from the other side grabbed the handles, slowly moving it above the girl's body, showing her skeleton from underneath her clothes and skin with the light that bounced off of her.

"Stop, there."

There was an unusual shadow surrounding her ribcage, branching out from her mid-spine to latch onto each rib, thankfully none was touching her lungs or heart.

"We need to turn her around to her back."

They carefully rolled her onto her stomach, positioning the light onto her back to see where the entity was.

The Black Mamba...

A technological, serpentine virus able to transfer itself to any source of technology or source of power before pouncing onto its next host.

The head doctor thought to himself, wondering how people persevered through a time like that, where that generation's teenagers were silently being taken from them.

He wondered how the girl felt... If she knew she saved them all.

He brushed his index finger along the back of her shirt, the hospital fabric opening up to reveal her back.

One of the men brought another machine closer, adjusting the long beam to point at the epicenter of the virus.

The head doctor looked at everyone in the room, nodding to them as he saw them all with the correct gear.

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