chapter 7

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Amber pov

Where are we going I asked as we walked though the forbidden woods

The den Willa said

Why I asked

You'll see Willa said as wynter started coughing

Wynter are u ok? I asked placing my hand on her shoulder

As soon as my hand touched her I had a vision of her and me as babies

Hey amber u ok? Willa asked

Yeah I'm fine what's wrong with wynter I asked

My necklace is losing its charge. Wynter said

What does that mean I asked

Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. Wyatt said

So when u said without you necklaces you would die you were being serious I said as Willa nodded

All of our elders are too sick
to travel, which leaves......which leaves taking care of
the pack to us. wyatt said

To me. You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise. Willa said as she looked at me

I'm sure hope I'm right about this We need to find the moonstone soon. Come on amber Willa said as she lead us to the den

Addison pov

I Had had just returned home from my date with Zed.

Amber! I am home! I said but didn't get a response

Amber! Amber! Where are u I called but still no answer

I ran upstairs and all over the house but she wasn't here

I quickly ran and snuck over to zombie town and ran to Zed's house where I saw him talking with Eliza and bonzo

Zed! Amber is gone I said

What?! Where would she go Zed asked

Okay, if she has her phone and if her phone is on, I can track her. Eliza said as she got on the computer

She's in the forbidden woods Eliza said

The wolves. They kidnapped her. Zed said

Or she went willingly if u haven't noticed amber and Willa have been getting very close eliza said

Don't be ridiculous Eliza those wolves are probably just using her and manipulating her  and since amber doesn't have that many friends she's desperate Zed said

Zed! Eliza said 

We have to go and get her back before they hurt her Zed said

Or worse my parents come home and see us both missing and call the z patrol I said

Let's go

Amber pov

The wolf den! wynter said

Wow I said as she smiled

It's ok to be impressed wynter said as I heard the wolves howl

Our language. it means welcome amber Willa said as I nodded and howled back

You said that perfectly wynter said as I smiled

So why did u bring me here I asked

I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe you're
the Great Alpha. I believe you're
a werewolf. Willa said

a Alpha's mate: a Willa lykensen fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now