chapter 9

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Amber pov

The next morning me and the wolves walked into school and all everyone was looking at me in a way I didn't care for so I took a page out of willa's book and growled at them making them run away and making Willa smile

Alright meet us after lunch so we can go over the plan and get out moonstone Willa said as I nodded and gave her a kiss before we went our separate ways

As I walked though the cafeteria more people were starting at me and I heard people whispering

Woah is that amber? I heard a person ask

Check her out! I heard a boy say

She looks amazing! Someone else said making me smile a bit

Look what she's wearing! That is a fresh look! A girl said

Maybe everyone's not like the three dumbbells I thought

And speaking of the three dumbbells here they come

Whoa! Bad hair day JC said

Try Bad hair life Stacy said

Well I look good I said as they laughed

Yeah, not so much. Lacey said

How about u go purchase a mirror cuz u look like a walking horror show or should I say freak show JC said

Exactly and if u expect to stay on the cheer team I suggest u invest in better hair products and a better clothes Lacey said

Well then I guess it's a good thing that I'm quitting the cheer squad then I said pushing past them and making my way to Addison

Hey Addison I said

Hey amber how are u holding up she asked

I'm good I said as she nodded

I still can't believe they kicked u out Bree said

Me neither but I'll survive I got my pack now I said as she nodded

Soon it was time for me to meet up with the wolves so we could get our moonstone

So what's the plan I asked as Willa explained it to me

Sounds good I said as we snuck off school campus and made our way to the powerplant

Now were would the moon be I thought at my necklace glowed brightly as I felt the moonstones energy

Guys the moonstone is right here I said as Willa and the pack came over

Are u sure Willa asked as I nodded

Positive I can feel it's power it must be buried under the cement I said

How do we get it wynter asked as we saw flashing lights and heard a alarm

Oh no it's the z patrol I said as I saw dale and zed's dad

You're trespassing,
werewolves! dale said

How can we be trespassing
on our own land? Willa said

Dale all we want is what rightfully belongs to us and won't we won't let u destroy it I said

I don't know what your talking about dale said

We can take them. Willa said as she and the pack prepared to fight

I hated that it had to come to this but if they weren't gonna listen then so be it

You gotta stop the demolition,

I know how hard you worked
to get this job. But if it's gonna hurt
the werewolves, you have to stop it. Zed said as he's dad nodded

You're right. And Addison's right.
Shut it down. Stop the detonation.
Tomorrow, when it's safe,we'll find what you're looking for. But right now, you can all go home. Zevon said as the z patrol took the handcuffs off

You guys did it you stopped the demo thank u  I said as Addison came and hugged me

Of course it was the right thing to do. Addison said smiling

We talked for a while and learned that Zed was gonna lose cuz Bucky and the aceys did something and caused his z band to act crazy making him go full zombie

I told Bucky couldn't play fair to save his life I said

Yeah well now I can't take Addison to prawn

That's okay, Zed. We cannot go to
the Prawn together. Addison said smiling

Oh my gosh, boss, boss! We got a problem! One of the workers said catching our attention

What's going on Willa asked

Idk I said as I walked closer so I could see what was happening

What? zevon asked

The remote shorted out,and now the detonation timer's running. The worker said as Willa came up behind me

Well, shut it off! zevon said as the worker shook his head

I can't the worker said

Oh no! I said as the power plant exploded taking the moonstone with it

Suddenly me and the wolves started coughing

What have they done?!

Amber? Addison said as I shook my head

It's gone addy I can't feel it. We're doomed I said

It'll be ok amber we will figure something out Addison said as I shook my head

I don't think we can I said

Come on amber we are going back to the den Willa said as I nodded

See ya later Addison I said as I took willa's hand and walked back to the den

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