not what I want

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Georgie was sitting there bored knowing that taila won't leave him alone until he actually decides to try actual blood which she has a complete disliking from he loves zee and zuzy so much he has drawings of them he has been in love since the day he meet them and he love the fact that he can make himself look like a village boy and fool everyone else Into thinking it to he has always had the urge to marry ither of them and be happy but he knows that zizzy watches them like a hawk and will accuse him at every turn but he knows that she knows that zizzy is right and yet no one believes her maybe it's because she accuses everyone of being on in a way but Georgie never had the urge to bite them like how he has others he's gotten the urge to bite the others and has questions to why not them and just the others he walked in circles to get the answer and decided to invite them to his castle where he'd find out the truth about them and see how and why he doesn't have the urge to bite them and sent it from there to there door step and was read by zuzy

Zuzy-it's a letter from georgie he's invited us to his....... castle

Zee-he owns a castle

Zizzy-my vamp detectors goings nuts

Zuzy-really zizzy really

Zizzy-oh for the love of fudge and caramel brownies he has a castle that's classic vampire territory if we're going then I'm packing my stuff and gear

Zuzy-we'll be going to and be in Georgie's room to so don't you dear try anything

Zee-That's double on my end

Zizzy sighed in annoyance as she left to the house of zee and zuzy's crush they managed to get a carriage to go there and arrived at nightfall as zee and zuzy woke up and got ready to go in and finally they left to go into the castle and was greeted by georgie himself as he opened his arms and hugged them both they also told him that both of them were staying in his room with him Georgie's face lit up at the announcement and got an idiot's grin as he said that he would be happy to have them to stay with him but stuttered like he was about to have a stoke and that made zizzy rethink a little bit of him being a vampire but she didn't stop her hawk like gaze not for a minute of her time not even a little bit as she went to sleep and taila helped her with her luggage and finally got to her room

Taila-what is in these things Boulders

Taila looked to see that her first To see clothes obviously her sisters were about to marry him but the second one was filled with wepones the same kind to kill monsters of any and every kind and noticed that one was missing she gulped to realize that it was a automatic stakeing crossbolt the kind that can kill vampires at mass she's herd of them and how they were the most feared wepone to every vampire she gulped and then turned to see zizzy holding it right at her and finger at the trigger not to mention that she could she three in the chamber ready to fire as zizzy motioned for her to go to contraption up front and step in as she felt it clamp down on her preventing movement and soon the same to Sheepy and she was after Georgie next she went to his room to see that they were having apple juice zizzy entered and pointed it at him as he did the classic under arrest pose and walked twords the area that he was motioned to she used a detector pendent to determine that all three were vampires and prepared to shoot all three of them but zee and zuzy questioned Georgie who had tears running down his cheeks

Zee-why did you really invite us here was it for our blood

Georgie-no i love you truly and honestly and I would never bit you I love you too much to hurt you

Zizzy-lies ALL LIES

Georgie-they are not lies I've been waiting for the day to tell them that I wish to marry them

Zizzy-so tell me why didn't you bite them you had the chance

Georgie-i resist the urge to do so but I don't get it around them

Zuzy-you don't


Taila-that's weird

Zizzy-yah think

Zuzy-wait give me that detector pendent

Zizzy did so and it indecated that zuzy was both mortal and monster which shocked them next was zee which was the same result finally zizzy which showed the same as her sisters she wondered what it ment until zee got the book her grandad gave to her and looked threw vampire breeds until she came across a part of the book that spoke of the dhampire half mortal half vampire hybrids that has powers of both families she read until she said that she concluded that all three of them are dhampires and had the same powers of vampires while having mortal abilities as well

Zizzy-so then that means

Zizzy released georgie who flew to them as he kissed zuzy on the forehead while zee grabbed his cheeks and connected her lips with his as she looked into his shocked eyes as they separated as zee said

Zee-i would love to be your eternal bride

Zuzy-me to

They take his hands and arms as they leave to spend the night in his room

🐷piggy one shots Of Cheesey Goodness🐷 (Monster Request Event)Where stories live. Discover now