Orange Head?

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Stepping out of the plane and inhaling the air that you longed for, gives you goose bumps out of excitement. After having a vacation from one country to another, makes you miss the country you're currently in right now, Japan. You quickly pushed your cart forward, packed with your things as you make way to the exit. You hailed a taxi and gave your adress in Miyagi and made yourself comfortable enjoying the view while listening to your favorite songs through your headphones.

You got your stuff off from the trunk of your ride and made your way to the door. You fished out your keys from your favorite colored sling bag and unlocked the door fastly as you want to be on your bed right now. Entering your small, yet cozy house you were greeted by silence, since you were all by yourself now. Being independent is really tough for you at first, but as years passed by, you grew accustomed by it.

You didn't have to worry about your finances since you were supported by your aunt and uncle. They were in Tokyo with your cousins for now, since your uncle was taking care of your family's business and they come by and visit every weekend considering that your parents are gone. Your mother died, due to having a serious illness when you where 5 years old and you're father, well, you never met him nor know anything about him. So, they decided to settle in Japan with you, moving out from your mother's country. Along with his son who is around your age.

As you removed your shoes and places it inside your shoe cabinet, you wear your slippers and you make way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, tossing your keys on the kitchen table. A sigh escaped your lips as you finished chugging the cold water. Surely you enjoyed traveling but heck it drained all your energy out.

As soon as you put your glass in the sink you made your way to your room placing your things at the side of your bed, you plopped down to your bed and let out a sigh of relief knowing that you can have a sleep after the long tiring journey. Not even bothering to change your clothes. Making a mental note to message your aunt when you woke up later.

×time skip×

The sound of your cellphone ringing blasted through your ears jolting you from your deep slumber. You yelped and was sent to the floor, you looked at the time and realized that it was already eight in the morning and totally forgot to inform your aunt that you got back in peace. Your eyes widen and took your phone, pressed on the answer button. You immediately regretted that because you're aunt bombarded you with questions.


You removed your phone from your ear as she started yelling at you. You sweatdropped at her and answered "Auntie, first of all how am I going to answer your questions when you didn't let me to talk? Second, I made it back in peace and I know that he probably forgot that I got back."



"Ohh I'm sorry sweetie I just got worried since you always call me right away when you got back from your trips." She was back at her usual sweet self at the moment that you responded.

"Yeah, sorry about that auntie, I was planning to tell you that when I woke up, but unfortunately I totally slept for too long."

"It's fine, at least that I know that you're back there safely. I need to go sweetheart, your uncle needs an extra hand. We will see you next Saturday (Y/n)! " You just chuckled at her enthusiastic voice and mumbled a goodbye.

There she goes again calling you with all kind of names. You place your phone back to your side and decided to take a warm bath to completely wake you up and do what you need to do.

After taking a bath, getting your black sweater along with the white jeans inside your luggage since you didn't fix it yesterday. You grabbed your phone, money, and white cap not bothering to fix your hair, letting it down up to your shoulders. Considering that your school starts tomorrow, you decided to go to a store to buy your things for school.

While walking down the street, your stomach grumbled, completely forgetting that you haven't eaten anything yet. You decided to grab a food when you happen to pass by a café. Luckily, you saw one across from where you are standing. You crossed the street with others hoping that you won't be ran over by a car.

When you are nearby the other side, you're so lost in your thoughts that you did not notice that there's a bicycle approaching you. You looked to your left seeing that it is going to hit you, you immediately crouched down and covered your face waiting for the impact.

'Is this the end of my life? Oh wait I'm exaggerating it will probably hurt a little. No not a little more like A LOT' you thought to yourself. But the guy who's riding was fast enough to prevent from colliding with you.

You waited for few seconds but you did not feel anything hit you. You peek through your hand to see what happened. Only to see a pair of shoes in front you, you looked up to see a guy towering over you. You again covered your face not because of the bicycle but because of embarrassment.

"A-ano are you alright?" the guy asked.

'Okay (Y/n) you can do this!' you encouraged yourself in your mind since you certainly don't want to embarrass yourself again. You stand up but you're taken aback since he was taller than you. You have a height of 5'0, and it literally urges you to drink tons of milk. You didn't notice that you are staring at the stranger. His hair definitely caught your attention. You knew that you saw that kind of hair somewhere.

'He is a living sunshine!' you thought.

The stranger's face turn red due to a fact you staring for a long time. He tried asking you again.

"U-uhh e-excuse me?" He stuttered out.

That's when you realized that you've been staring a him for a long time. You too turned into a blushing mess and immediately bowed for forgiveness.

"I-I'm so s-sorry I did not mean to s-stare at y-you!" you stuttered. Curse yourself for stuttering.

"Ah! Please no need to bow down. It's actually my fault for not noticing that you are crossing the street. Sorry!" he said and it was his turn to stare down at you. He was surprised to see someone that's beautiful like an angel. A pair of (e/c) orbs with a cute pointed nose,rosy cheeks and a soft plump lips.

"She is definitely an angel..." he whispered to himself.

You couldn't understand what he said but you shrugged it off and he started to speak again.

" Hello! My name is Hinata Shōyō! What's yours?"

"M-my name is Ishikawa (Y/n). Nice to meet you Hinata-san. Again, sorry for causing trouble." you smiled and bowed a little.

His cheeks was tainted pink knowing that you bowed again. It went unnoticed by you since you remembered that you need to go, so that, you won't return home late.

"N-nice to meet you too Ishikawa-san! As I told you it's my mistake." he replied cheerfully. Frantically waving his hands to indicate no worries at all.

"I need to go Hinata-san, see you around!" giving him a small nod.

"See you around Ishikawa-san!" giving you also a small nod but with a wide smile.

You started to walk to your destination as your stomach grumbled again. You dashed quickly into the café that you saw.

Hinata watched your figure enter a café and immediately snap out of his thoughts and clearly forgot that he is in a hurry. Before he reach to his bike he saw your cap by his foot and he picked it up.

'She forgot that she wears a cap' he sweatdropped.

He was about to take it back to you but he noticed that you're not in the cafe anymore. He sighed and went to his bike and put it in the basket along with some of the ingredients that his mother told him to buy. And with that he started to head home.

'Maybe, just maybe we will meet again.'

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