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     Soon after the ceremony for coronation the new king, the alpha Sakusa Kiyoomi, son of the Greatest leader of Itachiyama kingdom, there are many new laws.

   Some of them not important as others.

One if the biggest changes he makes by now is setting death punishment for everyone convicted for harm or harass a person of the fox's pack.

  The law was already setted, he made sure the executions were actually made.

  After taking the control of the whole nation on seven seas, he starts traveling with his best men, advisors and many other around the other lands meeting up with the leaders of them.

   Months pass before he finally return to his chambers and it comes time for the great hunt season.

' The great hunt season ' is the name of the biggest festival for the kingdom. In which all the important alphas go on big hunt far from their land so they can return before the snow had fall and  insure enough food for everyone in case of big snowfalls or no luck with the agriculture.

  If Kiyoomi could choose, he would not go, but evem as the king there was no excuse for him to miss it.

   So they walked and walked until everyone's legs were giving out. How far were they? Kiyoomi couldn't answer that, he just simply didn't know. He wasn't the one taking care of the their map, they had a cartographer. But the question still bothered him. What if they git lost? Was this even possible. What if they all get killed by one of the wild animals atound them?

  Having questions like those in his head made the king become even more  observant than before.

  He knew all the questions and fears are just inside of his head, but still. He was  is responding for thousands or even millions.

  As the leader of the hunt Kiyoomi take all the responsibilities on his shoulders. He knew he could trust his righ hand, his younger brother, Suna Rintarou.  The only person he trust- well actually one of the two people he trust.

  The other closest person to Sakusa is actually his omega cousin Komori Motoya.

But even having them two couldn't do much, not like he was complaining, he loved helping his citizens, he would never choose something other than helping his people.

  Stepping into soft still warm from the sun sand makes him come out of his thoughts.

  The view he saw was something new he has never seen. Infront of him has long shoreline and near it is placed stunning lake. A lake like this isn't something you can see everyday.

On the other side of the lake was tallering massive mountain, on some of the not very tall peaks can be seen small house, there was a big village. A bit far from the rest houses was placed one bigger.

  Kiyoomi can recognize this villige. This is the Inarizaki pack. The fox hybrid pack.

  They were going to stay for a few day near the lake before continuing to their next planned area.

   The kingdom wasn't far from them, but the walk has been rough, so now all of the hunt pack are getting ready to rest into their own dens or tents.

   The next morning, before the sun started shining, they were already in the forest.

  At noon, when the temperature highest  Kiyoomi and his people returned for rest after a successful hunt. 

  during it he saw a creature, at first he thought it was an animal, but the second time he saw it he recognize  as one of the Inarizaki clan. It was definably an omega. The scent and body type were recognizing. I was a sweet honey peach scent.

  It continued for three days in a row before he could finally see the omega without him to  run away. Every time he saw him, it made him even more interested in him. 

  On the last time he saw him during hunt, the small fox smiled at him before running away before the others from Kiyo's team come and see him. Kiyoomi was the only one. He was special.

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