I was thinking....Glacia

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"I cannot believe coach allowed you to do this brothers," Cool Joe said in disbelief.

 North Shaw, Tiger and Shakes had wanted to go exploring in the mountains. Well, North and Shakes wanted to go. Tiger was there because he thought North wasn't responsible enough to look after Shakes.

 "Yeah, well, I really wanted to explore, and coach said yes!" Shakes exclaimed. "Dude, he only let you go because apparently 16 year olds can do the kicked puppy face really well. He didn't fall for mine," North grumbled. El Matador nodded solemnly,"Yes, Shakes is very persuasive with those eyes,". The team laughed as El Matador blushed. "What it's true!" He told them. "Are we going?" Shakes said in a bored tone,"Because i'm going without you guys," He ran out the door, with Tiger and North running frantically after him, yelling at him to stop which resulted in the team laughing harder than ever.

 "SHAKES NEVER RUN OFF LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!" North yelled after he and Tiger caught up with Shakes. "Jeez guys, you aren't my...never mind," Shakes sighed sadly. Tiger and North shared a look. "Shakes?" Tiger asked gently. Shakes shook his head and forced a smile. "It's nothing guys, let's keep going," he strode off quickly, obviously not wanting to keep the conversation going any longer. North and Tiger didn't want to stop it there but let the conversation go for now.

 "Can we climb that one?" Shakes asked like a little kid, pointing at a huge ice mountain on a glacier that had tunnels inside, "I want to explore the tunnels," "If you get hurt we will get killed you know that right?" "Yes," "Okay then, let's go," North shrugged and crawled in after Shakes with Tiger behind them muttering something about 'stupid kids' and 'need to learn not to be so reckless'. The guys continued exploring the inside, pointing out things. Shakes was about to climb onto a ledge...

.... Until a bone-chilling howl erupted from that ledge.

Which was pretty high up.

 Shakes gasped as his hand slipped and he fell down, his head smacking the ice. He groaned and immediately reached up to grasp his head tightly. He could hear North callling his name and could feel Tiger gently turning him over. His head felt like mush. Seriously, why did it hurt so much!?!?!? Why did he fall, why could he not hear anything or see anything properly??? He started to panic. What the heck was wrong with him? "Woah, hey, hey ,hey. You're fine Shakes," he could here Tiger speaking softly to not agitate him. He opened his eyes and immediately snapped them shut. That light was so bright! He groaned and continued to cradle his head as best as he could.

 North had no idea when everything went wrong. The trio were exploring, then were climbing, then walking, the Shakes was climbing onto that ledge.... then he fell. A voice startled him out of his thoughts. "North can you help me?" Tiger asked. North jogged over to where Tiger was gently soothing a panicking Shakes. "Hold his head so he doesn't injure it more," Tiger instructed him," Then I can check on him," North nodded and manouvered Shakes so his head was on his lap. Shakes whined as Tiger removed his hands from the vice-like grip he was holding his head in. North winced. This was all just a reminder that Shakes was still a kid. 

A reckless, stupid, reckless, caring kid

But still a kid

Did he mention a reckless kid?

 "Okay.. so he has a concussion," Tiger whispered. Norh winced. Both knew it was pretty bad given how his head had smacked the ice. Another high-pitch keen of pain interrupted them from their silent conversation. So did the way Shakes suddenly sat up, then listed to the side so he leant heavily on North. "Shakes, why'd you sit up?" North asked him gently. " On... ledge.... animal....hurt," Shakes gasped through the pain. Tiger and North froze. Shoot! thought North, forgot about that creature! Shakes stood up. "Why are you standing?!" asked Tiger, annoyed. "I'm gonna.... help that animal," Shakes said slowly. He started climbing the ledge, which was a rather big feat for someone who was severly concussed but then again, this was Shakes. "He's gonna get himself killed," muttered Tiger. North just shrugged and climbed after him.

 Of all the things, Tiger did not expect to see Shakes slowly approaching a scared husky. The dog's fur was matted and was in dire need of a wash, but you could still see the greyish-blue coat and the white underbelly under the layers of dirt. "Hey girl," Tiger heard Shakes whisper softly to the poor frightened dog. The dog looked at them, then lowered her head in submission. Shakes sat down (For which Tiger was grateful for. That stupid boy doesn't know what's good for him) and started petting the dogs head. "Her leg...is ...trapped under... the ice block...," Shakes murmured. Tiger just knew his head was still feeling like it had been wacked with a mallet. "Well, let's get her out of here. Tiger will carry the dog, while I carry you," North said, as he rolled the block off the dogs leg. "Why would... you need to- AH!" Shakes cried, as he stood up and then fell. North caught him and easily scooped the light footballer up, ignoring the young teen's protests. "Sorry dude, I don't want to be killed even more," North told Shakes who was falling asleep. Tiger slapped Shakes, effectively startling the boy out of his stupor. "Nope," Tiger said firmly," No sleeping until this concussion is cleared and Rasta says you can,". Shakes grumbled, but Tiger made sure to tell North that he had to shake Shakes (No pun intended) if he started dozing off. Then Tiger scooped up the dog (which had thankfully fallen asleep) and they started to climb out back to the hut.

T I M E  S K I P  F R O M  T H E  T I T A N  O F  T I M E

 "What the heck happened to you!?!?" Cool Joe gasped as the team gaped at the sight infront of them. Shakes was being carried by North, looking dazed, while Tiger was holding a muddy dog. " Brzzl zurm zurgl bazer blurgh?" Blok asked. "The dog is... from the ice... block we were...exploring...," Shakes muttered as North sat the boy down on Big Bo, who held him while Rasta checked his head. "Shakes wants her," Tiger told them. "We can worry about that later. Right now, you three need some rest, blankets and a warm drink. Klaus, Blok, do you think you can handle the dog?" Coach asked the two, who nodded. But when they got close, The husky growled at them, snarling and snapping her jaws, making the two back up real quick. "Here girl... come here," Shakes chocked out. The dog walked over to Shakes and put her head on his knee. "Shakes, if you're feeling a bit better, do you mind giving her a bath?" El Matador asked Shakes, who nodded and stumbled out the room, supported by Rasta and Cool Joe, the dog trailing along. 10 minutes later, an exhausted Shakes walked back into the room, flopped onto Tiger and North (who were now clean) and started dozing on them, making the boys chuckle at their little friend. A sparkling clean dog ran up and curled up next to Shakes. "Coach, are you mad at us?" Tiger asked timidly. Coach shook his head,"I'm just glad you're alright,". "Hey Shakes man," Rasta called softly at Shakes, who hummed in response,""What are you going to call your dog?" "I was thinking...glacia, but spelt with an a instead of er," Shakes told them. "I like it," Big Bo said. "Shakes leaned over and rubbed his new pet's head. 

"Welcome to the team, glacia,"

AN- Hi guys! Thank you for sticking with me for so long. I'm so happy you guys read my books. Next up: Shakes said he was fine after that train almost hit him (See episode food for thought) But what if that wasn't really the case... Please comment I get super sad when I see no one's commented I've only had a few but I need some more. I might take requests so long as there is no pairings (I am so sorry I just can't write alot of romance) or death/dark bits.Enjoy!

Yours in demigodishness

Kion Jackson

Peace out✌️

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