Chapter Two: "Bleeding Silver"

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"One should always play fairly—when one has the winning cards." - Oscar Wilde

As Seamus and Aleandar walked up the stairs of the manor, they looked around at the gardens and forests, guarding in a way, surrounding the estate. It always made Seamus smile fondly, that all grows. No matter what may stand in its way.

As the two entered the manor, they were greeted with the wails of Mrs Lighten. The head lady of the staff at Estan Manor. They looked to what had caused the fuss and there, hanging onto the chandelier, was the house's head. Lord Roman Adam Estan, a sixteen year old lad with dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin and a few sprinklings of freckles across his usually bespectacled face. Now his spectacles lay in the firm grip of Mrs Lighten.

"Aye lad, what in heavens name are you doing up there?!" Seamus called with a smile. "Value you your life so little as to loose it in this manor?" Aleandar added. Roman turned to them and beamed a rare smile.

"Ah! No my lady! I am simply doing the job of a man I called for three weeks ago, who has as of yet to show face. So I must do it myself." Replied the young boy, his half German accent slipping into every word. The boy called off, jumping from the chandelier and landing in the strong arms of the Commander.

"You know, one day, I shall let you hit the ground." Seamus said with a small smirk, the boy laughed at this as he began to get out of the Commander's arms. "Aye, but today is not that day!" The boy wrapped his long arms around the commander. Even though the child is taller then most his age by a good half meter, he was still shorter then Seamus.

Making it seem like a father hugging his twelve year old son, instead of the sixteen year old boy in reality. The two are pulled apart by Aleandar, who then hugged the young boy. The boy whispered something to the large woman, something that when they pulled back, left the Russian with a bright smile.

Aleandar gave the boy a peck on the cheek before rushing off to god knows where, Seamus walked to the boy's side. "I just received a large shipment from France this morning. And some of its cargo, was from Lud's favourite seamstress." Roman stated after a moment of silence. Seamus let out a hearty laugh, patting the boy on the back.

Still laughing, they were led into the drawing room. Where they sat on plush armchairs, they were then brought a pot of hot coffee. Mrs Lighten handed Roman his spectacles and, after cleaning them, placed them on his face once more. As they were being served the warm drink, Roman spoke up. "So Seamus, what business has brought you to my side of world?" As he asked this, his face broke into its signature half smirk. It often reminded the commander of the look a fox has before catching it's prey.

"Well, I have been called to aid in the capture of pirates. And you being of age since April, I wanted to ask you if you wished to join me." Seamus stated, smiling a sweet smile to the boy as he continued. "You are one of, if not the best navigator there is!" Roman looked shocked, before jumping up and hugging the older tightly. 'Thank Yous' flying past his lips faster then the commander thought possible.

When the boy pulled back, he had that sweet, bright smile back on his face. As Roman sat back down with a bright smile on his face, Seamus was reminded how young he was. The older often forgot, seeing how mature the lad acted. It seemed like yesterday the boy was running in the gardens, not a care in the world.

"So, what are the details of this mission?" Inquired Roman, he had received his note book and pencil at this point. The smile being replaced by a formal look, one the commander was used to seeing on the boy whenever he was in the company of other upperclassmen.

Seamus smiled softly, they soon began planning.

As Roderick observed the crew, he could not help but notice how... quiet it was. Even though the crew was loud and rowdy, there was nothing that was holding his attention for long. Roderic walked down to the brig. As he walked past the slaves, he stopped at probably the darkest cell.

He shook the bars to awake it's only inhabitant. A young man, more than likely no older then 18, stirred. Once he caught sight of Roderick, he groaned and glared at the older.

"Not as chatty as usual today I see." Roderic stated with a sick smirk. "What do you want?" The younger asked in a low voice. Roderick leaned against the wall, he could still see the younger, and began checking his nails.

"Well, you see. I was bored. So I came here to hear the end of your story." Roderic admitted. The boy groaned loudly and flopped back onto his hay bed. "And why, pray tell, should I tell you the end of the story?" The boy asked, Roderick snorted. "I may, if you finish that story, let you out and up. And I may allow you to live in my quarters instead of this cell." Roderic offered.

The boy looked to think it over before sighing loudly. "Fine. I will tell you the rest of the story, if you take me to your quarters." The boy comprised. Roderick nodded once before opening the cell. The boy stood up slowly, watching the older with thinly veiled distrust. He walked out of the cell and stood in front of Roderick. "What is your name?" Roderick asked with a faint smirk. "...Aries." The boy said after a moment's hesitation. "Hm, Aries. It is, a...odd name, but not unpleasant. It is a pleasure meeting you Aries, I am Roderick." Aries nodded before they both started to leave the cell.

As the two were approaching Roderick's quarters, Aries spoke. "Why do you wish to hear my story? It has to be far less interesting then anything that you have encountered.." The end barely a mumble. Roderick gave the younger a side glance, then looked ahead as they continued walking. "Because, it is something I have not seen." Was the simple answer Aries received. They reached Roderick's quarters and walked in. They stood awkwardly for a few moments. Aries walked around the somewhat large room, noting all of the odd trinkets and keep sakes of many travels.

Roderick cleared his throat and lead Aries to a plush chair. Aries sat crossed legged on the chair, his back straight and his hands lay folded in his lap. Roderick sat across from the boy on his bed. Aries noted the older boy's sharp features, his hair was of the lighter variety. Aka, the boy was a soft blonde and tanned skin boy. His eyes were a piercing violet and he had a strong build, but not as large as the captain. Aries noticed Roderick looking at him in a similar manner. Aries cleared his throat and looked away with a slight heat in his cheeks. It was the same way he used to look at him.

"So um, w-where was it we left off?" Aries questioned, stuttering slightly. Roderick chuckled before answering. "The boy had just reached the city and was hiding in an alley, attempting to stay dry in the storm." Roderick stated with a slight smirk. Aries nodded and gave out a short breath.

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