story 1 part 1

39 3 12

Curse fighters
Inside of the play house

Written by
Rick Bos and Krijn Brink

-The child (Dex)
The Child is A psycho child who is cursed a long time ago. And is now stuck in his house. 10 years later the curse is still going, and the child went more psycho when time flow bye.

-Alexi the Parrot:
Alexi is the Parrot of Emma. Wherever she goes he also goes. He talks allot and doesn't know when to stop talking. He can't say a lot and mostly he repeats the same words repeatedly.

Tobey is the muscles of the group. He is strong and a good friend. Everybody in the group trusts him blindly. If someone of the group is in trouble, he will run over and help them al.

Lisa is more of the loyal compass of the group and the leader. She created the group of friends and wherever she goes the rest will follow. Everybody trusts her with their life because they know she will never stab you in de back or leave you. She likes to have her rest sometimes, but for some of her best friends she will always make time.

Jasper is the creative one of the group. He is always busy with writing or he fantasize about almost everything. He is also the best friend of peter and the two of them don't now limits when they are together. Jasper is also a caring person when you need his help.

Emma is more of the quiet one in the group. She doesn't talk allot but when she talks, she is nice and friendly. Her best friends are Lex and here Parrot Alexi. She has a small crush on her friend Lex, but she is too shy to tell him. She is a friendly person and someone you can have a laugh with.

Fenna is a little bit the chill one in the group. She is also the outsider of the group she doesn't always hang out with them or is around with them. she comes and goes but when her friends are planning to do something crazy, she always will be there to follow them in their stupid plan.

Lex is the weirdo of the group. He is always around and trying to make people laugh. Not always do people thing his jokes are funny but sometimes he makes everybody laugh. He is close friends with Emma and he and she are inseparable.

Peter is the youngest one of the group but he is a loyal one. Everybody likes him because there is nothing about him to hate. He likes to hang around with everybody. Peter is someone you can trust with your life, 100% of times and never takes abuse of you. Peter is also the best friend of jasper.

Noa is the sportive one of the group. She is fast and can climb like the best. If you need any help with anything you can always ask her for help, but you can aspect to sometime here a joke about you from her. She isn't always the one you go to first to talk with but she is a great friend and a gorgeous girl.

(10 years ago)
( The camera looks up to the sky and slowly starts to go down. A big forest starts to come up in the image. The camera keeps going down until you can see a big circle inside of the forest right below the camera)

< Inside the big circle there is a young kid playing with three other kids. They are playing a game made up by Dex. The game is called blue spot. It's a game where you throw a small rock to the other players and the first one with a bruise loses and can never play with them again.>

*Dex looks to the other players while he waits for the countdown to start the game. A big pile of rock lays in the middle while all the kids are standing around it. All four kids are silently waiting for the game to begin. Dex started the countdown, from five to zero. *

Dex: five..... Four..... three.....

*While Dex was only on number three, he started to run to the big pile of rocks. The other players look up to Dex and also start running to the pile of rocks. Dex takes one of the rocks from the pile and turns around. Dex starts to throw rock after rock to the other players and doesn't give them a change of getting a rock for themselfs.*

curse fighters Inside Of The Play HouseWhere stories live. Discover now