Chapter 18- Kio

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We watched the boys hop off of the bus and walk towards Akari's house. Generally, Akai would go there as well, but she was going to hang out with me at my house. I... still hadn't managed to work up the courage to confess to her. I loved her, yet I just couldn't find a way to tell her.

Akari and Kian had been together for three weeks and had gone on two weeks: I was jealous. They seemed so happy, and after all he had been through, Akari deserved it. That day had tormented my dreams. It explained a lot about the way he had acted when I had first met- his hesitation, his fear of other people: everything. As painful as he may be, my brother was the perfect person for Akari. He would protect him, he would love him and he would hurt people for him. I was jealous.

I knew about Akai's home situation and had for about a year. I'd heard from her that Eliza had provided her with a room and she was welcome at their house whenever. Akai had told me that she was spending an average of 5 days a week there, so I was glad that she at least had somewhere safe to go. When I'd found out about it, I instantly went to the local florist and bought some plants to give her as a thank you gift- as I'd remembered her doing gardening when we first went around to Akari's house. Even if I hadn't admitted to loving her, and even if I didn't love her in the way that I did, I wanted Akai to be okay. She was one of few who dealt with my hyperactiveness and annoyingness: she accepted me for me. she was like the mother of our little group, and she looked after us, but if she was struggling- who was there for her?

After the boys hopped off the bus, we turned back to our music (which Akari had been more than happy to provide at my request) and nodded our heads along to the beat. Akari should never have shown me that music, because I became addicted to it. I'd even managed to get the entire bus singing along- I was proud of myself. We sat there, just vibing along to out music until we got to the right bus stop, where we walked home; still listening through our shared earphones under the umbrellas.

When we walked through the front doors, I led Akai over to the study, where my father was sitting so that I could let him know that Kian would be getting home later that night. We then headed to my room so that we could chill and just chat for a bit. I sat on my bed, and Akai decided to get comfortable and rested her head on my knees. "So," I began, "how have you been going at your house recently?"

"I'm going alright, but my parents just keep getting worse." She replied, "They've started arguing more and I'm starting to get more worried that one of them will lash out in a physical manor. I'm still spending most of my time with Akari and Eliza, which is fun. Eliza's been teaching me how to play the cello. She claims I'm practically a prodigy."

"That's awesome! Can I hear you play sometime? Maybe you and Akari could perform a duet for us?! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!"

"Calm down, I'm sure we can organise something like that. Just give me some time to properly learn it a bit better."

At that moment, we got interrupted by the only singular person that I hated: my eldest brother. "Oi! Why do you bother hanging around my sister when you could be hanging out with someone better?"

"Maybe because there is no one better."

"Yes, there is and he's standing right in front of you."

"He must be invisible, because I don't see him. All I see is a greedy slob who doesn't know when to leave people alone. Now, you have a choice- you can either go away and leave us the hell alone, or you can stay and get kicked in the balls. And don't think for a moment that that is an idle threat; I will genuinely make any mentally delusion woman who wants to shag you unable to due to you having a mangled piece of flesh between your legs."

And with that, he left us alone. Even during dinner that night, when Akai and my parents were talking. I got a message from Kian afterwards about relaying a message to my parents about him staying the night at Akari's, which I did right before leading Akai out. She mentioned about how her parents would already be annoyed at her coming home late. The only time they ever paid any head to her was when she did something that they didn't like. I walked with her to the bus stop, making sure she was okay and checking if she wanted to spend the night at my house instead. She refused the offer and said she needed to go home anyway.

I walked back into my house and decided to do some homework while listening to some music. I must have dosed off at some point, because when I woke up, it was around midnight and there was some heavy banging on the door. I decided to check on who it could be and saw that my mother was walking out of her bedroom as well. I told her I would get it and she responded with a thank you. The door kept banging even as I made my way through the house, still in my school uniform from earlier that day.

Imade it to the door and opened it lazily expecting some homeless personrequesting somewhere to sleep. "Sorry for being slow, I'm sorry but we-" Andwhat I saw made my brain over load for a second. There in front of me stood thecrying form of the very girl who had been in my room less than 5 hoursbeforehand. Akai stood there, dripping wet from the constant rain we had beenfacing and with blood spilling out of what appeared to be a split lip. Hercheeks were stained with tears and she was trembling. She said two words beforeI wrapped her in a tight embrace: "Help me."

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