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TONGUE TIED            1━━ all about the ice cream

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TONGUE TIED            1
━━ all about the ice cream

Amelia appreciated ice cream more than anything. She'd define it as her comfort food, or even as her favorite meal, even though it was just dessert for many. This was why she found herself locking her bike in the rack after she pulled up to the new mall in town, Starcourt. She felt she deserved a big cup of ice cream after such a hardworking day of moving things around. Ice cream during summer? She would not have it any other way.

A sigh escaped her lips as she dug for money in her pockets. Concern washed over her face after revealing her findings; a very crumpled dollar bill and a couple of pennies. Of course, she forgot the very-needed groceries Margot begged her to collect. She huffed as she glanced at the money in her palm. Just enough for an ice cream, she said to herself.

She cursed herself out in a mumble and shoved the money inside her shorts pocket. Nonetheless, she happily strolled inside the mall and looked at the different variations of shops where she could get new clothes whenever she did not forget to bring money with her. She watched in awe The Gap store and once again got upset at her forgetful self.

She softly smiled at the sight of people having fun with their friends, and silently hoped she could do the same anytime soon.

In Russia, Amelia did not count on that luxury — friends. She was forced to, unfortunately, grow up with a close-minded father and a mother who could not do much. The minimum Margot could do was comfort the poor little girl after Igor would lash out for absurd situations. Growing up with strict rules made her feel like her entire life was being spent away, like an old man sitting on his couch drinking beer and avoiding his taxes, thanks to Igor.

He'd come up with bullshit ideas little Amelia could barely believe.

"No leaving the house until you are old enough to take care of yourself, Amelia."

Truly pathetic.

Of course, it was his idea. Margot even attempted to talk him out of his bubble. Useless, though.

He would answer with his explanation of the paranoia he felt about Amelia leaving the safety of their home and being exposed to other people. However, he wouldn't extend himself. He'd only keep on restricting her to certain things while growing up. Not even after arriving in California was she able to meet the city beyond her house, not until a year later.

Now a young adult, at eighteen, Amelia still did not comprehend the truth and the reasons behind the limits he placed on her — or what he could have been possibly scared of. On her behalf, nothing would have happened to her if she had gone to the playground like a regular blooming child.

Sometimes, Amelia would recall the moments when she'd throw tantrums about not being able to go outside during her childhood years and play around. He would always tell her, "It is something that does not concern you, Amelia.", and it stuck to her head. It would leave her wondering to herself why she could not be given the freedom other kids had.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now