chapter 8

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I felt my stomach jilt when I was walking up the pathway I didn't know what to do I hate the feeling when my stomach does a front flip.
What if it all goes wrong? Kept running through my head.

I walked up to the door and debated  either to ring the bell or chap the door, why am I so paranoid I thought to myself. I just choose to ring the bell while I waited for him to get the door I looked at the time

" wow 10:30 already" I looked at my  phone screen in shock

"Hiya come on in" Tom greeted me as he opened the door

I stood in awe at him which I shouldn't have but he was wearing these amazing Greg joggers that looked amazing on him and a red vest which was really cute, I looked quite rough I thought to myself what is a person like me doing with a person like him. I was brought out my thought when he asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah I'm just really tired" I replied trying to cover up the fact that I was practically cooling over him.

"Awe that's okay love we can watch a movie or something" he offered

"Yeah that sounds really good" I replied , oh god I love the way he says 'love'

I walked into his house which was lovely inside he has a good choice n interior design. I took my shoes off and laid them near the coat rack and went to join Tom in the kitchen.

"I got popcorn for us I hope you like sweet" He laughed to himself hoping I did like it.

"Of course I love it who wouldn't" I giggled

"You'd be surprised" he explained

While Tom was making some tea for us I decided to text niamh as I remembered I had to check in with her now and then.

* dani- hey I'm at Toms were going to watch a movie and I think I'm staying is that okay? :) - *

I texted hoping she was awake to answer

* niamh - yeah that okay have fun and be careful , see you tomoz :) - *

Thank god she answered I was just texting back saying ' okay see you then x ' when Tom asked me if I took milk in my tea.

"Okay to which kind of movie do you want to watch?" tom asked as he carried the teas through to the living room as I'm really clumsy.

"What about a horror? " I suggested
before I got distracted by the beautiful fire place in the center for the living room it made the room look really cosy and all the light were dimmed it was very lovely in here I thought to myself.

"Sure why not" he said unsure

"You scared tom?" I teased him

"Nooo haha never" he tried to convince himself

We agreed to watch sinister as I've watched it before so I know what to expect but it was new to him. Once I put it in I went and sat on the counch and waited for Tom to get settled before I played it.

"Your to far away come closer I need the company remember" tom explained while smirking.

"Oh sorry dear" I sarcastically said while raising my eyebrows

I went up to him and he put his arm around me and I cuddled into him. Although I had only known him for a few days it just felt right like I'd known him forever.

"Oh shit" he shouted when the little girl in the movie jumped at the screen 

"Hahahahaha" I laughed at him

"That's not nice I'm a little scared okay" he admitted looking embarrassed

"You okay you look sad?" I asked him with concern

"Yeah I should be impressing you but instead I'm a wimp that scared at a horror" he laughed but still looked sad

"I don't care if your scared or not and don't try and impress me I'm nothing special I like you the way you are" I replied

"Awh thank you" he said while hugging me

I just smiled a lot I was probably blushing By now.

"As we don't know much about ourselves tell me your full name and a few facts about yourself" he suggested
"Sure well my full name is Daniella and I'm very stubborn and sarcastic and I love my brothers, my pets , food and my phone" I described

"Well im Tomas, spelt without the h and I'm also very sarcastic , I love my family my pet and food too , we have a lot in common. " he answered back.

"Awh I love your name its cute" I blushed

"You too its lovely" he mentioned

Once we finished discussing I realized that it was already midnight , so we both went and got ready to sleep. I went up the stairs to the bathroom and washed my face,brushed my hair and my teeth and got changed into Greg pjama joggers and white Long sleeved baggy top, I wanted to look decent but comfortable at the same time.

I heard Tom in the kitchen so I went down to see what he was up to.

"Hey I'm just making another tea do you want one?" He asked

"Sure" I laughed , I drink way too much tea

Tom was know in the same vest but only had boxers on now his legs were amazing. Once we got our tea we went up the stairs to go to sleep. thankfully I was sleeping in the spare room so it didn't get awkward.

"Goodnight love" he said before hugging me and walking in the other direction.

"Goodnight sweet dreams" I replied

I got into bed and didn't even check my phone which I usually did I had way to much on my mind to even concentrate at the moment so I just put it on charge and turned the lights off. I found it hard it fall asleep as I couldn't stop thinking about him. Ive never even felt this way about a guy in my life. Finally I fell asleep....

(A/N) I really like this one

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