chapter 5

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oh god I must look terrible right now my hair is a mess and my makeup is probably running , I bet i look like a godamn racoon and this cute boy is like talking to me , i mentally slaped myself.

' Yeah im okay i suppose , thanks' I replied back to the boy

'You sure?, you look pretty upset' he asked with concern

'It was just my friend well used to be my friend , shes always had a problem with me' I choked back a few  tears, thinking back to what she said and did. Oh god Dani get yourself together cmon dont cry infront of the cute boy cmon Dani i thought to myself.

'Well she sounds like a complete bitch , just ignore her shes not worth it' He admitted while taking a seat on the wall next to me.

'Oh and im Tom' He smiled at me a real genuine smile , it reasurred me.

'Im Daniella well call me Dani' I smiled back

'Wow you have a beautiful name' He spoke

'Thankyou' I started to blush bright red

* DANI * Niamh shouted as came running through the door making me jump out of my skin.

'Oi there you are its time to go , Kerrie has left with some guy and im pretty bored so can we leave?' Niamh stammered

'Okay , give me 5 mins i'll get you by the car?' I replied as she agreed and walked away

'Sorry but im going to have to leave because my annoying friend' I laughed

'Dont be sorry you go home and rest , but it was nice meeting you can we exchange numbers' He asked nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

'Sure' I nodded while we gave each other our numbers.

Once we said our goodbyes I left to go get Niamh by my car , I quietly snuck through the party that was still going crazy I darted through the crowd hoping not to get noticed, I was tired so going home sounded pretty good now.

'Hey Niamh' I shouted so she could hear me over the loud rave  music that we were still able to hear in the street.

'Hey so..... whos the guy' She started smirking

'Oh just Tom' I said bluntly while closing the car door once I had got in.

'Just Tom , you guys looked pretty cosy when i walked in' She blurted while raising her eyebrows at me

'Okay I like him a lot hes really nice to me now can you shutup so I can drive home' I admitted

'He does seem nice pretty hot too' She laughed

'Shhh' I tried to silence her as I was about to blush again.

It was only a 15 mins drive home so we just listened to some ed sheeran and some one direction like we always did , once I got in I went for a quick shower as there was still some of Chantelles drink down me. After my shower I felt way better, I had washed all the makeup off so I no longer looked like a racoon I then put on one of my fluffiest onesies, made myself a tea and sat on Niamhs couch with her as we watched Lilo and Stich as its one of Niamhs favourite movies shes watched it so mannnyyyy times.

'Its 1am already' I said turning around to speak to Niamh

'Really omg we have to get some sleep we have James bootcamp thing tomorrow' Niamh murmered

'I know well goodnight then' I laughed while standing up off the couch and stretching and making the most unhuman sound ever

'Goodnight' Niamh added before walking into her room.

I went and got a cup of juice before heading to my usual couch I sleep on when I stay here. I had got all the blankets and wrapped myself up in them as I was starting to get rather cold , Once I was comfertable i went on my phone and jusr scrolled for a while until I was about to go to sleep. BZZZ my phone vibrated showing my text that had just come through.

{ Tom- tonight was fun , glad i talked to you haha goodnight Dani x }

{ Me- It was fun thankyou for making me feel better and sweet dreams Tom x }

I locked my phone after replying to my text, once I had put my phone on charge I reajusted my pillow before closing my eyes I just smiled to myself like an idiot thinking of him, ive never felt this way about a boy in a long time so this only means good things I thought to myself.

(A/N) sorry I'm so late on updating but I'm just so busy with school and all and I know Its rubbish and short but could you leave what you think below it would mean a lot x

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