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Next day at college


I decided to help Namjoonie oppa and Ari unnie to confess to each other . I arrived at the college with Joonie oppa and Taehyung .

??? :- TAEHYUNG-SSHHHIIII ! * Someone called Taehyung from the back *

We turned around to see who it was . I was amazed seeing his handsome and angelic face .

Taehuyng :- JIMIN-SSSIIIII ! * He ran towards him and hugged him

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Taehuyng :- JIMIN-SSSIIIII ! * He ran towards him and hugged him . Jimin hugged him back . *

They were doing bro hug while I was standing there staring them confusedly .

They broke the hug and came to us .

Jimin :- Who is she hyung ? * He asked Joonie oppa *

Namjoon :- She is Y/N . She came here from India to complete her further studies . She is also living in our house . * Namjoon introduced me to him . *

Namjoon :- And Y/N he is Park Jimin . He went to the states 3 years ago to study . He is Taehyung's childhood friend .

Y/N :- Oh ! Nice to meet you . * Smiled and offered him a handshake . *

Jimin :- Nice to meet you too , Y/N ! * He smiled and accepted the handshake gladly *

Jimin :- You can consider me as your friend from now on . * Smiled *

Y/N :- Yeah , sure ! * Smiled back *

Taehyung :- Jimina ! You forgot me ? * Started his great weapon AKA fake crying *

Y/N :- And here we go again ! * Whispered to Namjoon *

You both giggled silently .

Jimin :- No TaeTae ! How can I forget my this little baby ? Hmm ? * He said as he back hugged Taehyung *

Taehyung :- Jinja ? * He said pouting *

Jimin :- Jinja . * Said while nodding and smiling *

Taehyung :- Ok ! * Boxy smile appeared *

They both looked too cute to resist in that position . I hope I could just pinch their cheeks .

Namjoon :- Ok . Let's go inside now . Otherwise we will be late . * He said looking at his watches . *

Taehyung & Jimin :- But there's still half an hour left before the classes . Why are you in such a hurry ?

Y/N :- I think I know the reason why he is in hurry . * Trying to suppress the laugh *

Namjoonie oppa blushed at my comment .

Jimin :- Did you just blushed ?

Namjoon :- A-aniya ! * Trying best to hide his blush *

We entered the college . I have 30 minutes left before the first lecture starts .

I decided to meet Ari unnie . When I saw her yesterday she seemed to be a studious student . Whom some people calls ' Nerd ' . I decided to search the library first . Because there's a huge chance I can find her there maybe studying .

I entered the library and scanned the whole room . I saw her in a corner of the room . I went near her table . She was studying a book on Psychology and I saw the book's name and luckily I have this book already so I know each a nd every details of the book . She also loves books like Joonie oppa does .

Y/N :- Excuse me ? * Asked in a polite tone . *

Ari :- A-are you talking to m-me ? * Asked pointing her index finger towards herself . *

Y/N :- Yes . Actually I was finding a book named ( The book's name ) . But I saw you are already reading it . So-

Ari :- Yo-you can have i-it . I-I don't need it .

Y/N's Mind :- Why she is stuttering ?

Y/N :- No , no I didn't mean it in that way . I was trying to say that can you share the book with me ?

Ari :- Y-you want to share t-the book ?

I nodded in agreement .

Y/N :- Yes . May I have a seat beside you ?

Her eyes widened at my question .

Ari :- Y-yeah , sure !

I smiled seeing how much down to earth she is . She is really kind hearted .

After leaving the library

Y/N :- Oho ! You shared your book with me . And see me . I didn't even introduced you to myself . My name is Y/N and I from India .

Ari :- Oh , My name is Min Ari .

Y/N :- It's nice to meet you Ari unnie . From now consider me as your friend . * Smiled *

Ari :- Friends ? * Her eyes got teary *

Y/N :- Hey Unnie ? What happened ? Did I hurt you by saying something inappropriate ? If that's the case I am sorr-

Ari :- No . You didn't hurt me . It's just you are my first friend . * Tears started to fall from her beautiful eyes . *

I hugged her to comfort her . She hugged me back .

Y/N :- So , let me be your best friend . * Said in a soft voice *

She didn't answered but tightened the hug and nodded .

Y/N :- Now stop crying . Okay ?

She nodded . I didn't befriended with her just for namjoonie oppa . But I wanted to have a true friend that's the main reason for being friend with her .

??? :- Woah ! ...... * I turned around to see who was that . *


Many interesting parts are coming soon . Stay connected .

If you also want a friend . Then I am here for you 😇💕💜


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