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This story is a bit confusing so if you read this part you'll fully understand what I wanted to show by this story.

The incident with the toxic friend was the exact incident that took place in my life not so long ago. Basically, an incident that happened in real.

I always had this fear of staying as an outcast for the rest of my life. I feared I won't be able to make friends for the rest of my life.

So in this story, I portrayed Jungkook as a fear that I had. Fear of becoming an outcast and loner forever.

This story is kind of metaphoric or at least that's what I believe.

In this story, Jungkook was never a real person. He was just her inner feeling that she kept locked inside her for a long time. He was her fear.

I wanted to portray her fear as a physical person to make it a bit more interesting.

If you've noticed, at the beginning he was nowhere to be seen but appeared just after the betrayal of her friend. So why is that?

It's because when she shifted, she had no fear. She had hopes that she'll be able to make at least one friend in this new place & new city.

She thought the things that happened in her past won't repeat themselves again.

She eventually was able to make a friend but that person betray her and the thing she feared the most happened again. Getting ignored.

The fear of becoming a loner forever again came back and I gave that fear of her a human form that is Jungkook.

He was haunting her, which means after the betrayal her long-term fear came back. Her past and present were haunting her.

And that's the reason Jungkook was acting so strange.

At first, she didn't see him face to face but when she did, he looked blurry. Why?

It's because she wasn't sure what to name her fear. The fear she was feeling, she didn't know what to call it. She didn't know what was her fear. That's why when she was able to name it she finally sees his face clearly.

She was running away in her dream, right?

By that, I wanted to show she wasn't able to escape her fear even in her dreams and she was trying to avoid it in her dreams too. She was running away from her fear even in her dreams.

She named him Jungkook and by that, I wanted to portray now she was aware of what her fear was.

When she finally sees her fear & recognizes it, she finally decides to stop keeping herself locked in. And she did that to avoid that feeling.

She avoided him because she never wanted to face her fear. She wasn't ready yet.

When she came back she hears Jungkook crying. Why?

It was the opposite feeling of her fear that wanted her to accept her fear, and that's why it was crying. Because she was again avoiding it as she did in the past. She was again running away.

Jungkook tried to get her attention but she avoided it and even started coming late.

By that I wanted to show when we're alone, deep dark feelings take over our minds. The same was happening to her and that's why she stayed out late to avoid staying alone.

When she was outside, she was always around people. Though strangers, she at least didn't feel lonely among them and that's why Jungkook was never outside. Because he was a feeling that only came to her when she was alone or was feeling lonely.

That's why she avoided coming home early as her mind would fill with unnecessary thoughts and Jungkook- her fear would come back.

If you remember when she gave her toxic friend a 2nd chance Jungkook disappears. He totally stopped showing up. But why?

It's because her friend gave her the hope that she'd not stay lonely any more.

Her fear was gone & that's why Jungkook was also gone.

But when her friend betrayed her, he again came back but not to scare her. He came to comfort her. But why?

It's because Y/n has finally learned her lesson and realizes it's worthless for her to hope that someday someone will arrive to help her get out & that's why she needs to help her on her own.

When Jungkook hugs her she hugs him back because she finally accepted her fear and was no longer afraid of it. She finally accepted that not everyone has the luck to get real friends.

If she doesn't have the fate to get friends then she will accept it as it is.

She finally stopped running away from her fear and learned to embrace her fear and to face them.

Though she didn't end up with friends, I didn't end up that way. The moment the toxic friend gets out of my life, I get 5 more precious friends, and here I've 134 friends. I'm glad to have you guys.

At least I don't feel lonely anymore. After the betrayal I promised myself I won't make any friends but I'm glad I didn't stick to that.

Do make friends and enjoy. We don't know when it'll come to an end.

But if you don't get friends because to them you're like an outcast then you can become your friend.

Don't run away from your fear. Try to face it. It's hard. You'll get hurt but it won't be as bad as getting betrayed by fake friends who weren't your friends, to begin with.

If you end up without a friend then don't get upset. Just think of those who're also like you but are still staying strong.

If your friends leave you or maybe you didn't even get the honor to have friends, then try to face it. Once you face it, it won't be hard for you to stay without one.

You're good on your own. You don't need someone else's support to stay strong.

The person who truly understands you will stumble upon you when it's time but till then try to stay strong.

By that, I don't mean don't make friends. Make friends but depending on the situation. If it seems the friendship is going to be toxic or you'll end up getting hurt trying to avoid such situations.

After all what you want matters too. Think of your feelings. Don't run away from your fear and instead try to accept them.

It can be any fear not only this. Be strong,  stay strong.

-- Thank you for reading --

Him - J.JK ✔Where stories live. Discover now