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it was now wednesday . you were currently in present mic's english class . english wasn't your strongest subject , but you weren't bad at it . you were writing a paper and it was supposed to be about an event in your life that had a huge impact on how you've evolved .

every topic you thought of was something emotional for you . everyone else already seemed to be writing , but you had nothing on your paper . when the teacher came around to check , he raised an eyebrow at your paper . mic squatted down to speak to you . "what's going on , y/n?" he asked , a hand on your shoulder .

"every topic i think about is something .. emotional . i don't want to cry ," you said , making him nod .

"well, let me think. you could write it after class. i'll extend the due date a little for you, and if you have any questions just call me . other than that i don't know what you could do," he said , sliding his hand down your arm in a comforting way .

"i'll try to start on it now," you said . he gave you a comforting smile before checking everyone else . uraraka was still on house arrest and your ribs had pretty much healed . today , y'all were supposed to be going to the USJ . you were honestly kind of worried about it , being that the first time y'all went your dad was put into a full body cast .

you decided to write about when you got raped . katsuki looked over at your page , seeing only one sentence . he tapped your arm , making you look over . "you need help?" he asked , motioning to your page .

"no . i- it's just that what i'm writing about is what happened .. in 7th grade so .." you trailed off looking away . he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze , "i understand," he said , looking back at his page .

- the next day

you all were on the bus in your hero costumes . you were sitting beside katsuki and across from sero and kirishima . your dad was at the front asleep and denki was in front of kiri with jiro . sero was eyeing you the whole time , sort of making you uncomfortable .

you all joked and laughed , trying to have a little fun until y'all got split up for the next few hours . when at the USJ you all filed in , following behind your dad and 13 . there were other heroes there just incase the same thing as last time happened .

aizawa-sensei explained what y'all would be doing and how everything would be done . y'all would be splitting into groups of two in different areas of the building based on your quirks and abilities . you weren't really paying attention because you felt someone boring holes into your back . you turned to see sero staring at your ass . you wanted to punch the shit out of him , but your dad started sending y'all off .

shota could see in your face that something was wrong so he sent your group off last to ask what was up . you were put with kirishima and bakugo , making you internally cheer . "what's wrong , y/n?" your dad asked , pulling you to the side .

"sero was staring .. at me and it made me uncomfortable . especially since i thought he was my friend . he was staring at me all weird like he wanted to eat me," you said , rolling your eyes .

your dad looked pissed as you spoke , but kept his cool . "i'll talk to him about that . you go to your group . don't hurt yourself ," he said , patting your head .

"i love you , dad ," you said , going with kiri . he said it back before you all were too far away to hear , making you smile .

- 30 minutes in

the objective was to rescue anything or anyone in the disaster area . you both stayed together , not wanting to go too far from each other . you were in the ruins area . katuski kept yelling at kirishima . you tried to tune them out a little bit so you didn't laugh , which sort of worked .

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 & 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 - 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨Where stories live. Discover now