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"I can't believe you made me sit through two and a half freaking hours of that shit!" I screamed at Caleb as I stormed out of the theater with hunter by my side and Caleb trailing along. I heard him laugh.
"Why are you not a normal girl who loves that sappy stuff?" Caleb asked with a chuckle. I glared at him.
"Why'd you have to ruin my birthday for the past three years?" I sneered. Two years ago he 'accidentally' tripped me and I broke my wrist. Last year he got me a cake that had peanut butter in it and I was rushed to the emergency room and now this year the stupid movie.
"You're hot when you're mad." He smirked. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him and punched him straight in the jaw.
"You just don't know when to stop! I hate you! I've always hated you! Go get a life and stop butting into mine!" I shouted and then kicked him. I've taken kick boxing for the last 8 years so he was in pain.
"That's enough." Hunter said as he picked me up and pulled me away from his brother.
"Why do you have to be related to that dumb fuck!? He's a jackass and you're just so nice and awesome!" I asked as he set me inside the car.
"I don't know violet, let's just go back to your house and binge watch the batman movies?" Hunter suggested, not moving from in front of me. I nodded and strapped my seatbelt on. When he got in the car, he drove to a corner store and picked up some of our favorite junk food. Hunter is honestly the best friend I've ever had.
Before I knew it, we were at my house watching our third batman movie with our fire Cheetos mostly gone.
"Hunt?" I asked, making sure he wasn't asleep.
"Yes vi?"
"I'm going to crash now." I said, sounding sleepy. He pulled me onto his chest and turned the tv off.
"Goodnight violet." I drifted into a deep sleep less that five minutes later.


"Violet wake up!" Hunter shouted. His voice sounded far from me so I ignored him and continued sleeping, cuddling into the pillow I was on.
"I made pancakes and bacon!" He shouted. I shot up from my bed.
"Be there in a sec!" I shouted back. I heard him chuckle as I got up to fix my hair. I threw it up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I popped out my contacts and put my glasses on. How I hate these things, but I'd rather not be blind. Caleb has always made fun of me because I'm almost legally blind. He hid my glasses one time and I wanted to kill him. I almost fell down the stairs. If Hunter wasn't there, I would've gotten badly hurt.
I heard Hunter downstairs talking to another person. I assumed it was my mom but it was a masculine voice. I trotted downstairs with a curious mind.
"Hunt, who are you talk..." I stopped mid-sentence when I saw a bruised up Caleb standing in my kitchen.
"Hey pigtails, miss me?" Caleb smirked. I internally gagged. Miss him? How does one miss an inanimate object? I giggled at my own joke, making me look crazy.
"Why are you here." I said with no emotion.
"I came to get you, I'm taking you on a date because I ruined your birthday." He said with a serious face. My mouth dropped. I looked at Hunter for help but he mouthed the words 'I'm sorry.'
Mentally preparing myself for the worst day of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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