Love Destroys Everything: Creation Myth of Sylrainth

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It's something she never thought she would find, but here she was: a girl in front of a boy—about to receive her very first kiss. A small part of her quaked at the very thought, but the larger part was filled with such overwhelming joy, it threatened to seep through her skin.

They sat next to each other on a graying, marble bench nestled in a forgotten corner of an ancient garden. This particular corner was guarded by thin, blue needled cedar trees that cast curling shadows over the night-shut flowers. The full moon's light penetrated the thin branches, lighting up the girl's night black hair like a galaxy.

The boy had said so several times, once even reaching forward to tuck a wind tossed strand behind her ear.

Throughout their quite conversation, his eyes had continuously flickered to her lips, but he could never seem to grasp the courage to complete his desire. When she had grown tired of waiting, she declared, "Why don't you just kiss me already?"

His grey eyes had grown wide and his brown face pink, but he still leaned in and, as she demanded, brushed his lips softly against hers.

And she saw stars. She kept her eyes closed as he pulled away, lost in bliss, but his deep laugh prompted her eyes to open once more.

The ground around them had erupted in beautiful, blooming lilies the color of a setting sun, stained silver by moonlight. A shining testament to the girl's love for the grey eyed, dark skinned boy. Her beautiful face flushed with color: she had lost control of her magic.

"I'm sorry—guess I still can't quite keep the  magic from touching my emotions," she laughed nervously and hid her face in her cold hands, trying to force the flush away.

The boy next to her was silent, so she peaked through her small fingers and saw a soft smile on his lovely face as he gazed at her creations.

"It's the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen," that's when he looked at her. He didn't need to say the words before she heard them in her heart.

The rest of the quite night was spent curled on the cracking marble bench, resting in each other's arms, and wholly surrounded by the girl's garden of ever blooming silver lilies. And when the moon began to sink and gold sliced through the stars, the pair parted ways with another brief, trembling kiss.

The bliss of it trailed them both on their separate walks home to their two very different lives. But their secret meetings would never cease, and as they grew, as did the quite flame of their love. 

The girl became a mighty young warrior, earning her place as her father's most accomplished general and heir to the throne. She had defeated many a mortal and immortal kingdom and claimed territory for her father, becoming a widely respected and feared young goddess. The only respect she could never seem to earn was that of her father. He had always blamed her for killing her mother in childbirth when her magic was too strong to last an entire pregnancy.

The boy, however, grew in his kindness and remained gentle in his ways. He was loved by every mortal and god who met him, but he was nothing more than a lesser god born to a servants family. His only value lived in his purity of heart and the love that a young warrioress felt for him.


After another long night under the stars with her lover, the young goddess felt calm and quite happy. The long week had left her weary, but a few hours wrapped in Hubris' arms was all she needed to feel refreshed once more.

When she arrived home, the sky was a clear blue and already buzzing with life. Pegasus flew this way and that, resembling swift moving clouds—satchels already burdened with the day's packages and letters. And by the looks of it, it was to be a busy day.

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