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TONGUE TIED            2━━ but she's russian!

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TONGUE TIED            2
━━ but she's russian!

When younger, Amelia had been taught to read by her mother. She had her own collection of children's books, but of course, they needed to be reviewed and approved by him. She didn't mind at five years old, nor at six. She was only happy to have books of her own to read to herself at any time. Thank you, mama, she'd tell, and would always beg her to read alongside her for that extra pinch of company.

It was never him.

She would always read the same twelve Dr. Seuss books Margot had gotten her, and as much as she wanted to read about princesses and love stories, Igor made sure to never allow it.

At ten, when she first went to the library behind his back, she stayed for over an hour reading princess tales. She remembered the first copy of the Rapunzel book she had read, and she was ecstatic. His words would replay in her head about why princess books were not fit for a special girl like her. Bullshit, she'd call now, but at ten, she couldn't even reply.

At ten, it made no sense.

Rapunzel talked about a girl being kept away in secrets and lies, hidden in a tower thanks to her mother. It talks about how her restrained freedom slowly consumed her, but there came her prince charming, who saved her from the miserable life and escaped along with her to a place where nothing could come in between their endless love.

At eighteen, it angered her.

Her house was no tower, but it sure was gloomy and torture for her. She was no princess, but her freedom surely was restrained. Her hair was far from being seventy feet long and magical, but there were other ways. Her mother was lovely, but he sure was not. She had no prince charming, but she knew she could save herself from misery without him or the hair.

Certain moments made her believe she had great potential to play a sorrowful Rapunzel in the current decade, stuck in her own world being tormented by her father. Moments like these would only prove to herself how fitting the role was for her.

The darkness had become a frightening world for Amelia. The way it enveloped her in a cold hug as she tip-toed down the stairs of her home sent chills throughout her entire body. She couldn't exactly pinpoint if the creature that stood next to the fridge was a product of her own imagination or just a misunderstood shadow. She breathed loudly as she silently perched herself on the counter, munching on a 3 Musketeers bar.

Rapunzel behavior.

After hours of tossing and turning around in her bed, she accepted she wouldn't be sleeping for the night.

The noise would usually come around at the same hour. It sounded machine-like, and Amelia would wonder who in hell would mow their lawn at two before sunrise. She had concluded it was her psycho neighbor living in the tower behind hers, but the purring felt a little too close rather than outside 30 feet down from the despairing place she lived in.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now