Author's Note

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Authors Note

For 6 years, I've embarked on the journey of storytelling.

6 years of clicking on an orange app until i went from 0 followers to an organic 2.04+ followers.

6 years of creating the most beautiful illusions that'll go on to be fan's "favorite characters"

6 years of leaving reality and diving into a world of endless possibilities to tap from the supernatural well of fables and imaginations.

6 years of connecting with the most beautiful humans

6 years of acquiring lifelong friendships and families.

It's been more special and magical to me than anyone would ever imagine, so, when I decided to clear my entire discography from this little world of mine, my entire world shook but I knew that it was just another level i needed to attain.

Cinmisola who wrote You Go Girl and Fooling Mr. Francis might have accepted Christ as his lord and personal saviour (the best decision I've ever made in my life), but that boy still remains. The boy whose books brought out emotions from you and filled up your heads with fantasies; yes, I am still very much present and even well... better.

Welcome to the new Cinmisola Experience.

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