Chapter 4- Taste of You and Me

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Chapter 4- Taste of You and Me

Vic's POV:

I just got into the restaurant around 1 pm, so everything was already running before I got there. The restaurant really opens at exactly noon, since we only do lunch and dinner but I guess it is what it is. I looked at the piano and imagined him there. His long black hair and his bangs swooped to the side. His eyes I could swim in, and his body was perfect too not to mention. Kellin was perfect in every way, and I just wasn't. I did talk to my friends, they said they had no idea who Kellin was. I just know I have seen him before, I just can't wrap it around my head where or when I saw him. I loved how he was a little taller than me, but always leaned on my shoulder when he had the chance. I smiled happily and turned as the front door bell chimed. Kellin walked in, with tight skinny jeans as normal and an oversized tank top. The jeans showed off his figure perfectly, mainly his perfect ass. I snapped out of it and walked over near him. I knew I was gonna ask him out today.

"Morning Kellin," I smiled.

"Hey, I left my music here do you have it?" He blushed.

"Yeah I do, I have it over here. I saw it when I was cleaning up," I smiled walking over to grab his bag.

"Uhm... Vic?" Kellin asked leaning closer to me. "Did you try to k k kiss me last night?"

I blushed, shocked that Kellin acknowledged that and wanted to talk about it or even kiss me. I looked at him, placing my hand on the side of his face. Kellin soon blushed too, he was so shy and it was the cutest thing in the world. I leaned in closer towards his lips, and I could feel his heavy breathing from his nerves. I was too, it was like I almost forgot to breathe while my body forgot to keep my heart beating. I felt my stomach drop, and I was getting nervous because I felt Kellin begin to sweat from my touch but melt in it at the same time. Our lips were so close, that all I had to do was press mine against his.

"Vic... I I I can't you don't know what you are in for," Kellin whispered shyly.

"Kellin, you don't know what you're in for either," I whispered in response to him making sure he could feel my every breath on his lips.

"But you don't deserve to deal with me Vic, you have your life together please don't put yourself through this," Kellin mumbled as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"Kellin Quinn, I want to, please? Do you know how long I have liked you? Please Kellin, you are one of the only people I make an effort to talk to every night besides my roommates. Kellin, let me try," I pleaded.  I hated being this desperate to date him, but I guess I have been crushing on him for a long time.

Kellin looked at me with tears forming in his eyes. He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I just want you to know who I am," Kellin whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "Guess that means you have to go on a date with me then."

Kellin blushes and nods biting his lip.  "Mhm I can't be out late though and I have to finish my other job stuff today."

"Mhm okay... guess I'll pick you up later since you're not working tonight," I smiled stroking his hair.

"That would be nice," Kellin mumbled.

"Should I kiss you right now or before our date?" I smirked pressing a finger on his lips.

"Now," Kellin blushed putting a hand on my waist.

I smiled and kissed him gently. We both didn't pull away, I hadn't had this attention in so long. I always wanted to be kissed by a dude, especially Kellin. He gasped for air and soon kissed me back harder. It seems like he hadn't had this in a while too, and it felt so right. I put my hands around his waist, and he pushed his hips against mine.

"Wait Kellin let's wait for that," I whispered in his ear.

He nodded, and he whined a little bit. I looked at him, and he blushed.

"Mhm what is it?" I asked him stroking his hair.

"I have to go home," He told me.

"That's okay I'll see you later," I smiled. 

Kellin nodded, and he kissed me one more time grabbing his bag.  I blushed as he walked out, and I was still in shock that he said yes to going on a date with me.

"So it finally happened?" Jaime asked me laughing.

"You saw all that?" I sighed laughing a little.

"Your steamy makeout session? Yeah..." Jaime laughed at me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled thinking about what Kellin and I were doing today.

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