commie orc lady colonel

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name: vannessa heartland


gender:StRoNg FeMaLe ModEl

race:half orc (big strong MF) also yes human/orc pelvic bone is fucking shattered beyond belief worth it? yes verry worth it

rank: COLONEL PICK ME UP FROM SCHOOL... i threw up :(

bio: coming from mercy's reality she was a part of a war mercy was on the wrong side of back home in arcadia, her front left tooth is cut in half because mercy fought her while a mercy's faction tried to raid her base, but that was long ago...  anyway, now she just sits down at her desk and works behind a laptop and type away, she also lost her arm too but all good she is not married still, lives in the Canadian region despite the cold she likes it but her employer wanted to go to the fallout reality aka "the bad ending reality" and dig up a a Canadian remnant soldier, he has the precise location and all so she dug him up and all brought him to life


battle axe: a one-sided blade the other being a hammer, the axe part is serrated meaning it has dips in it and is sharp verry sharp the hammer part looks like a meat tenderizer but when hitting something its like EXILERATING but mercy never met the deal on that end she only say the blade...  it has engravings on it orc legacy maybe idk ill have to call her

actual weapon: a litteral turret mounted machine gun she ripped off and now uses it like a assault rifle(dont let the gun fool you she's the most kindest person you'd met)and has a ussr emblem on it(she cant take it off) 

and a 1911colt pistol she carrys around but the company made it so it can fit in her big ass hands... reall waste of metal.. anyway

notes:N/A (none yet will update soon)

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