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She looked beautiful.

So beautiful I couldn't watch her marry him.

I would run out of any wedding that had her standing with another man.

I breathed in the cold autumn air as I stepped off the last step, my legs taking me as fast as they could to my car I had waiting closest in case I had to make a quick escape, with or without a runaway bride.

I blew air out of my mouth, feeling the tears fall down my face but doing nothing about them as I dug my hands into my pocket trying to fish out my keys. The second I grabbed them my shaky hands caused me to drop them.

I crouched down grabbing them, a sob leaving my mouth at what I was leaving behind. I sat there, crouched on the ground, bringing my hands to my head as I closed my eyes shut wishing it was 3 days ago, and I was back in the hospital with Athalia. I was holding her hand and I didn't let her go. If that was reality I'd be back at Noah's with her right now, with her in my arms. Instead we're a thousand worlds apa-

"I didn't tell you because I was scared" I jumped up, eyes wide as I turned to find Athalia, standing at the bottom of the stairs in her wedding dress. Her hair was so loosely put together that it had come loose, and was now hung curly over her shoulders. She looked like a fucking angel.

"I was scared you'd react the way you did. I was scared I'd lose you. I-" She paused, taking a step forward, matching my quick step toward her.

"I love you Blake" I stood, frozen in time as I stared at her and all her beauty. She loved me. The heart that had been ripped apart, turned to ashes and stabbed repeatedly started beating. Here in front of me was the girl that made it beat, killed it, and then managed to make it beat again. I made my way towards her, watching as she tried to find the next words to say.

"I love you. And I pick you. I'd always pick-" As much as her words meant to me, I was hardly listening anymore, the adrenaline coursing through my body making me only able to hear my rapidly racing heart beat. Grabbing her face between my hands I wasted no time claiming what was mine. I slammed my lips to hers, listening to her quick air intake as I closed my eyes, knowing these lips were made for me. When she kissed back my heart did a somersault in my chest, my whole body heating up and becoming immune to the cold autumn air. Her hands ran up my chest, up and meeting at the back of my neck, pulling me down, pressing her lips to mine harder as our hearts synced in pace, being able to tell through our chests being pressed tightly against each other. I slid my arms around her waist, hugging her tight to my body, not even allowing her the room to squirm and run away from me if she tried.

When we both eventually pulled back, our forehead resting against each other, I spoke the words I'd wanted to be reciprocated since I met her, back to her.

"I love you, Athalia" I covered her smile with my own, pressing my lips back against hers, this kiss lighter and more longing.

My little runaway bride.

We pulled our lips apart at the sound of yelling and when we looked up, Athalia's father and his men, as well as Gabriel De Leon, his family and his men were rushing down the stairs towards us. I immediately pulled Athalia away from them and behind me, protecting her from the sick and evil that are the De Leon's.

"We had a deal. The contract stated the female party must wed in the church on the day of. You are, by oath, forced to uphold your end of the contract" Gabriel De Leon's father was yelling at Marcus Del Campo. Marcus stopped, turning to the De Leon, standing tall and menacing over him.

"Fuck the deal. And fuck your son. Fuck your family" Marcus growled at them, his men behind him incase the De Leon's took it too far.

"You signed the contr-"

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