(🎉) | Pure Vanilla x Reader

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"Moonlit Nights"
Type: Fluff
Character: Pure Vanilla Cookie
Requested?: Yes
Request by: @Duusu19
you stood at the balcony, staring into the night. It was getting quite late already, almost every cookie had went to sleep yet you were still awake and staring at the dark sky.

"Blue bird?" Pure Vanilla called out to you.
No response.
He then walked up to you and stood beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist. "What are you looking at?"

You sighed, feeling his arm around your waist. "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" You blurted out. Pure Vanilla, although with his eyes closed, gave you a little nod and a slightly wider smile, implying that he agrees with you. He then lean forward and gave you a cheek kiss, making you blush and look away slightly.

"Say, my love, do you want to go to sleep now? You've been staring at the sky for quite a night." He stated, making you realize that you might or might not have spent almost the whole night staring out at the moonlit sky. "Sure. I was getting sleepy anyways." He then grabbed your hand and took you to the bedroom you both shared.

He set his staff down, got changed, and proceeded to climb into bed first. You joined him in bed shortly after you got changed as well.

He pulled you in an embrace before muttering out an "I love you" before giving another kiss and drifting off to sleep. "Love you too Pure Vanilla, love you too." Was what you replied to him in return before sleeping soundly not long after he did.

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