(🕸) | Cream Unicorn x Reader x Moonlight

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"Just Let Me Sleep..."
Type: Angst
Characters: Cream Unicorn Cookie, Moonlight Cookie
Requested?: No
⚠️: Mentions of traumatic experiences like going insane, nightmares and implied suicide.
Once again. You've awaken, but not willingly. Your eyes shot open and you jolted awake, quickly sitting up. You had another nightmare once again. At this point, you just wanted nothing else but for all the nightmares to go away...but they won't go away. You tried to go back to sleep, but you can't. You felt like the world's coming to an end, getting lost inside your head. It won't matter...since it won't be too long until your misery had been put to an end.

You pulled your covers over your shaking body and wept silently. You just wished that good things come to the deepest corners of your sleep, rather than bad things. Falling back down on your bed, you still silently cried. The nightmares you had really left a huge impact on you. With each one worse than the previous. It was slowly driving you insane, like it had left poison in your mind. You just wanted to sleep...why won't it let you...?

You suddenly heard a sound...a calming one at that...it sounded like...stars. Yes, stars. You sat up and heaved a sigh of relief, knowing it was just Moonlight. She walked to your side and placed her hand on yours. "Y/N Cookie? Another nightmare again, I see." Moonlight said as she picked you up bridal style. You felt safer around her, you felt more...calm and at ease. Even though you were still all swaddled up in a blanket, you were still able to snuggle up in her arms.

Moonlight then got her key-like staff and summoned her Cresent Moon. It shined brightly, just like the moon itself. She then sat on it and it proceeded to take you two away, out of your room by an open window large enough for you the moon and you two. "Do you want to stay up for a little longer...? To...visit them?" You perked up as you heard her statement. Looking up at her with teary yet happy eyes, You nod.

After a few minutes of traveling, your eyes caught sight of a familiar lit-up amusement park below you both. Moonlight lowered the crescent moon and got down from it. Despite your face being buried in Moonlight's chest, you saw a faint figure approaching you two. You recognized who it was. "Bad dreams again?" You heard them say. Moonlight hummed as a reply and handed you over to them.

Cream Unicorn carefully held you in their arms, giving you a little kiss on your cheek. You then proceeded to turn towards them and bury your face in his chest just like how you did it to Moonlight. They took notice of your slightly shaking figure and held you closer. "That bad?" They said with saddened eyes. You soon found yourself drifting off to sleep once again.

No...you didn't want to go back to sleep...you didn't want to dream of those horrific events again. You tried and fought yourself to stay awake...but you can't. Your eyes slowly started to close and you prepared yourself for the nightmares that were going to haunt you again.

Cream Unicorn then placed their hand on your forehead, and bright light emitted from it. They smiled to themselves after lifting their hand off your forehead, the light fading away. They looked towards Moonlight who sat back on her moon charm, preparing to leave. Cream Unicorn gave her a little bow, bidding a goodbye as she heads off.

Looking back at you, they can't help but smile to themselves. Your figure sleeping so peacefully... And they felt proud of themselves, after taking away your horrible nightmares.

"Sweet dreams, my little butterfly."

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