(🎉) | Croissant x Reader

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"We did it, together!"
Type: Fluff
Characters: Croissant Cookie, Grass Jelly Cookie
Requested?: No
⚠️: Spoilers for the Interdimensional Super Mayhem event in Cookie Run Kingdom, possible oocs, maybe bad writings, random a/ns and a lot of time-skips.
Once again, someone had been messing with the TBD. From jumping across dimensions, using future tech in other timelines to even stealing experimental equipment from the TBD! You and Croissant Cookie were assigned to catch them and bring them to the headquarters.
{On the timecraft}
"Hey Croissant?" You called out to her. "Hm? What is it, Y/N?" She replied. "Grass Jelly's coming along, right?" Right on cue, you heard a familiar hum. The said Cookie was on her flying scythe right beside you both. "Yup, I am!" Grass Jelly exclaimed as she flew towards a time rift leading to your destination as Croissant followed.
"I think I have an idea of who's committing those felonies." You hear Croissant say as the timecraft goes through the rift.
"Woot! Looks like we got here right just in the nick of time!" Croissant exclaimed as the timecraft stopped and you two hopped off.

"Now let me see...fix and mend the rift and...Aha! And as for you, let's get you back home. Where and when you belong!" Once finishing her sentence, you saw her escort a simple-looking Cookie with a candy cane in the rift. (Goodbye Gingerbrave)

Looking around, you saw two cookies. One with red hair and a viking helmet, holding a mace, while the other had twin drills and an eyepatch, holding something that seems like a colorful minigun of some sort.
"Twizzly Gummy Cookie! Stop struggling and come quietly!" Croissant yelled as she tightened the strap around Twizzly's hands and feet while Twizzly intensely struggled to set herself free but to no avail. You took hold of Twizzly's minigun while Grass Jelly stood protectively in front of Mala Sauce. (And other cookies in the Mala Tribe that are still there.)
Twizzly Gummy Cookie was blabbering, shouting and cussing at the three of you all the way from the place where the Mala Tribe resides to the Director's Office back in the TBD Headquarters. A lot of questions and problems had to be asked and solved, well it would've been easier if the intergalactic criminal cooperated with you, Croissant Cookie and The Director herself. Grass Jelly was forbidden from entering the Director's Office and was sent away somewhere else to work.
It was hectic, considering what happened in the Director's Office and the havoc that Twizzly wrecked back at the Mala Tribe. You and Croissant Cookie managed to overcome them and capture the criminal nonetheless, helping each other and strengthening your bond along the way. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

Many things happened in this very day, resulting in you and Croissant Cookie being extremely exhausted. The two of you didn't mind it though. You felt at ease, knowing that despite the hard times that you faced, you were never alone. You had your dearest friend, Croissant Cookie at your side, and that was all that matters.

"We did it... Together!"
Croissant Cookie exclaimed happily as she pulled you into a tight embrace.

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