Chapter 5 - Brothers

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Summary: Bobbi makes an appearance and the group meets the Governor.

Clint perched on the guard rail and tried to clear his mind, eyes absently tracking a hawk swooping over the trees.

It was enough to process that Bobbi was alive and connected to Woodbury, almost losing Bucky plus facing Natasha's abusers, but then to wake up this morning and Nat was gone, it was too much. He snapped, and at the wrong person.

The momentary relief he felt seeing Bobbi was quickly overshadowed by the knowledge she was in bed with the enemy. Clint wasn't convinced she would've stopped the match between Steve, Bucky and the walkers, either.

She spent most of the night talking about herself and what she went through after being separated and the struggles to survive until she found Woodbury.

Clint asked about the training Fury made new citizens go through. She avoided his gaze and mumbled something about everyone having different duties.

A disgusted exhale slipped his lips. He wanted to leave and get to Nat but Bobbi turned on the water works, begging for him to understand she was only trying to survive.

"So you knew about it? The personal slaves?"


"You knew Natasha belonged to Loki?"

"I knew of her. I never saw her, I swear."

Bile rose in his throat.

"Tell me what you do know. How many guns do they have? How many people?"

"A lot. More than you. Let's not talk about all that. Remember when we went out on..."

"It's late, we need to get some rest. Sharon set up a cell for you."

He stood, indicating the night and their conversation was over. He had enough of Bobbi avoiding his questions, hating that Nat wasn't a part of this.

Clint climbed in bed, pulled Natasha close, buried his face in her hair and fell asleep.

When he woke, she was gone. Nat never left without waking and giving him a good morning kiss ever since they moved into the library. Something was wrong.

Clint rushed to the mess hall. Sharon and Steve were sitting with Bucky, they hadn't seen her. Okoye was scouting the perimeter.

He went out to the ball courts, out to the range, the garden. No Natasha.

Bobbi found him but he was in no mood to listen.

Tuning out her whining, Clint rushed into the garage for the Harley when he heard Nat's laughter.

"Oh how nice, she and Barney are getting along." Bobbi quipped.

And instead of hugging her and telling her how worried he was, he yelled. Clint pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes.

Fucking idiot. 

He had to fix this.

Bounding down the stairs and out the door, he almost rushed past Natasha sitting against the wall, arms hugging her knees. She quickly wiped her cheeks.

Shit, he made her cry.

Clint held out his hand.

"Nat, I'm sorry."

A tear fell as she stood.

"I am, I didn't mean to yell. Please talk to me." Clint kept hold of her hand. "Why did you leave without saying anything? You've never done that before."

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