Chapter six (yay✨💩✨)

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~3rd Person~

Peter, or Better, spidey was inside the Tower for about a day know.
The avangers Had told Him he'll meet Fury soon aka there Boss.
But spidey did Not Care, He Just wanted this to be over as soon as possibel.
He did Not Like the avangers, He hated them.
They helped No one except themselfes, they only helped when Aliens atacked, Not when small peopel needed Help, only when they or important peopel needed Help, and woud sometimes even get Money for it.
The avangers where disgusting peopel in hsi opinion.

He stood in the check-up room from buce where He checked If Out spider Hero was allright.
"I'll Just do a Basic check-up in youre injuries and then you can Go, Well, except If youre injuries got worse or when anything is wrong with youre Body.* Bruce sayd with a sigh.
Spidey Just nooded and sat down.
Bruce Checked the places where His injuries where.
"They are healing slower than normal, i'll propably need to Take a Look at that." Bruce sayd, He didn't know anything about spidey super healing, the spider Hero was Just healing slower than normal peopel woud.
"But for know i'll Take you to the mayn living room." The Scientist sayd and the two got up.
Peter did Not want to, but He Had to.

~as they arived in the living  room~

Pet-, sorry, spidey and Bruce Had arived in the living room some of the avangers where watching start wars and some where Just there to eat Popcorn and sweets that where there as Snacks for the movie Marathon.
"You Started without us?" Bruce sayd in Fake Hurt while Putting a Hand on His Heart and falling Back a littel.
"Well, you tow took forever, so we allready Started." Tony awnserd turning into the Direction of the two.
"Why are we even watching Star wars?" Asked Clint, being anyoed about the movie series as He frowned.
"Well, i remember one time Someone told me it was there Favorite movie series." Tony awnserd the anoyed avanger.
"But i don't remember who it was thouh." Tony Started as He Started to think.
"It was me." Spidey say.
All eyes where on Him.
"What?" Tony asked, Not Fully understanding what the spider Had sayd, but No one in the room did, He spoke very scilent.
"It was me, i was the one who recomendet the movie series to you, it was my Favorite Thing Back then." He sayd, know being in the middel of all atention.
"Aaaahhhhh, know i remember, yep, it was defenetly you." Tony sayd as He rememberd one of Ther Last conversaitions.

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