Chapter seven

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~3rd Person~

The avangers, meaning literly all of them even Thor, where know watching Star wars together with spider-man.
All of them where fasinated at the greatnis of the movies.
And it was Not suprising to say that they've Had Not even a singel Break but Had allready Watched allmost every Star wars movie.
But Spiderman was Just Sitting in the corrner of the room recalling all the good memories He Had with Ned when talking about Star wars, building There lego deathstar and so on, but sadly He and ned woudnt be Abel to make any more of These memories because ned Had died while triend to Help his friend defeat a villain.

Spidey was Stuck in an infinate Loop of memories and regret.
He was so Stuck in it that He didn't even Notice that they where allready Done with the movies ans where starting at Him while He was spaced Out.
"-idey SPIDEY!" Screamed Tony at Him while waiving his Hand before the Young hero's masked face.
He Sprung Out of His Chair in shook.
"You good?" Asked Clint.
The spider Hero Notice that every singel avanger in the room, wich was litterly every singel avanger.
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
"We tried to get you Out of youre starting thingy for Like 9 minutes."
Sayd Cap.
" sorry..." He replied.
"You don't need to apolegize Kid, but why did you space Out?"- Natasha.
"O-oh i-um....some...memories from the past..."-spidey.

And with thatthey all got to bed.
Spidey ofcourse was still forced to sleep in the medbay for the night so He coud be Monitored.

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