Chapter 1: The Calm Before the Storm

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The sun's white rays danced across the Capital on a new day. Eight years had passed since the Elder introduced the anti-abuse laws and it seemed that the android uprising that once threatened their way of life had finally been quelled. The wind soared through the glistening white hallways of the Arteus Academy, ruffling the hair of two Jambherians who walked the halls.

They stepped onto a training field where a dozen Jambherian children stood firmly and waited for the adults to arrive. The children bowed to the two Jambherian men when they stopped in front of them. The male with short, spiky black and silver hair stepped forward and adjusted his thin-framed glasses, he cleared his throat and addressed the young cadets.

"Good morning cadets, today's lesson will be about controlling your elemental power and introducing it into your fighting style. Everyone partner up and I shall demonstrate with my partner, Risuo."

"That's right Veran. We will start with the basics. Summon up your element and try and strike your partner with it and in turn your partner will try to defend against your attack with his or her element," Risuo added, explaining the exercise.

The cadets paired up while Veran and Risuo faced each other to demonstrate. Sparks of electromagnetic energy crackled along Veran's arms and then the whole of his arms were covered in it. This was thanks to the Nanoites in his bloodstream. Like the rest of his species he was gifted with the power to replicate the elements with these tiny biomechanical machines of unknown origin. He clenched his fists and rushed towards Risuo. Risuo dodged Veran's punch, and he seemed to skip backwards. Risuo gripped Veran's hand, blocking Veran's attack by absorbing the energy. Risuo's leg shone brightly, blinding everyone around him, including Veran. Risuo roundhouse kicked Veran in the face, and knocked him across the field. Veran hit the ground hard, and he rubbed his back from the pain as he stood.

"Ow! That hurt!" Veran shouted at Risuo, annoyed that he wasn't able to keep up the pace. The light from Risuo's leg dissipated and he turned to the group of amazed cadets.

"And that is why you should always try and defend with your element. It gives you an advantage in battle," Risuo explained as Veran dusted himself off. Veran punched Risuo hard on the shoulder and Risuo chuckled.

The cadets stared at them and hung on their every word. Veran waved his hand and signaled that the class had begun. The cadets started hitting one another with their elemental abilities, while Veran and Risuo watched. They took notes on the cadets who excelled at the exercise and jotted down their evaluations, half an hour passed and Veran ended the lesson. He walked among the cadets and clapped his hands. "Great work guys. I really liked some of your performances. This lesson will affect your grades," he said then he dismissed the class.

The cadets grabbed their backpacks, and left the training field in single file. Veran and Risuo returned to the main building of the Arteus Academy and as they did Veran broke the silence. "Did you hear about the update on the abuse law the Elder passed a couple days ago?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I was there. I accompanied him to the chambers. Why do you ask?" They turned a corner into the main lobby of the academy.

"Do you remember when you were a mere scribe and you almost freaked out when the Elder asked you to break into the records room? Do you think that he's preparing you to succeed him?" Veran did his best to hide his excitement.

"Well I did sort of hint to him about passing the android anti-abuse laws when I sifted through the reports. It was the best way to deter an uprising, and, well, after that he took me under his wing. He's been taking me with him to all of the official council meetings." They exited the academy and walked down the bustling street. They stopped at a corner a few moments later.

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