Chapter 7: War

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Meanwhile on the other side of the Capital Ferrius summoned his followers and they gathered in the center, they had extended their murder spree across two districts, only taking them a couple of weeks to completely desolate them.

"Brothers! Sisters! We are finally ready to bring the organic scum to their knees! Today we will take back our freedom and continue our ancestors' mission to purge the galaxy," he shouted.

The androids waited for their orders. Ferrius wirelessly contacted Valtron and Raina, who were stationed with other groups of androids in different districts around the Capital. "Commence the advance on the government district." Ferrius ordered. "We will meet at our rendezvous point. Do not fail me." He said firmly.

"Your orders are to continue our invasion of the Capital, eliminate all organics and gather more followers by spreading my word, the truth, to others." Ferrius said as he turned to his faithful subordinates.

Ferrius ordered his army to fan out and to aid Raina and Valtron's forces, he still had a loose tie to end and that was the Elder. With his distraction tactics, he had worn the Jambherian guard thin by effectively dividing their forces and inevitably leaving the Elder unguarded. As his forces left his side, Ferrius wirelessly ordered two androids, one male and one female to stay with him.

"Night is upon us, while our comrades are causing havoc, I have something I want to personally attend to." Ferrius explained.

Finally night fell over the Capital like a wave of black silk, the streets turned dark and chaos flowed through them. Destruction and desolation were marked with fires and shorting electrical equipment sprawled all over the place. Explosions were heard across the Capital as the Drifters' grasp on it tightened.

Ferrius and the two other androids were sprinting through the night through the narrow alleyways of the Capital.

"Where are we going, boss?" the male android asked.

"To the Elder's mansion, brother. We have unfinished business there," Ferrius replied without looking at his compatriot.

They continued in silence with only the sound of their boots against the titanium infused ground. They reached their destination minutes later, and Ferrius guided his followers to the mansion's service entrance. When they entered, Ferrius looked around to see if anybody watched them before he closed the door.

As they made their way down the corridors Ferrius' two androids infected other android servants who had hidden from Ferrius when he had started his crusade.

Finally, they reached a pair of large oak doors carved with symbols of Jambherian heritage. Ferrius placed his hand on the doors and smirked, knowing that the moment he had been waiting for had arrived, the moment when he would exact his revenge on the Elder, the symbol of Jambheria, and he would enjoy every second of it. The voices from behind the doors confirmed that his target was exactly where he was supposed to be.

Ferrius kicked the doors down—they busted open easily, as if made of paper—and the Elder and Risuo jumped out of their seats. Risuo stood in front of his master to shield him from harm.

"I see you have one of your dogs with you, old man. I really wanted this to be between us, but alas! Although an audience would be perfect to get my message across to your wretched race," Ferrius boasted and fixed his sights on his target.

The Elder pleaded, "Don't do this Ferrius. I did my best to stop the abuse. It doesn't have to come to this."

"Time has run out, Jambherian. I am carrying out my ancestors' final wishes. You cannot change your destiny and it is your destiny—to DIE!" Ferrius' hatred swelled in his programming as he finished speaking.

Children of Jambheria: The Procestian WarWhere stories live. Discover now