Chapter 8: A Race Divided

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While the Jambherians were doing their best to recover from his initial attack, Ferrius continued his march around the Capital, his subordinates brainwashing every android they encountered. The android community slowly succumbed to Ferrius' command and terrified Jambherian citizens watched in horror as their once faithful servants became their most feared enemies.

Their conduits turned blood red and rage filled their processing units. The newly converted androids didn't hesitate for a second when they slaughtered their masters. Word continued to spread around the Capital with notifications on the Jambherian's bracelets and the bloodshed followed. Ferrius' army gradually grew and with Valtron and Raina in other sections of the Capital, the chaos spread like wildfire.

Most Jambherians who had tried to flee the Capital by escaping in their starships were taken down by Ferrius' army and many Jambherians were murdered as they tried to protect their loved ones from the Drifter drones. To make matters worse, other Jambherians abandoned their androids, which left them vulnerable to the brainwashing.

Ferrius' attacks intensified, and targeted key buildings in the Capital. The androids blew up Government buildings and slaughtered officials on the streets like cattle; blood trickled through the Capital streets and hospitals were unable to keep up with the wounded.

Leila couldn't believe how quickly the injured were coming through the door, Ferrius had obviously intensified his advance on the government district and wasn't going to stop. She quickly aided every doctor on the floor, pushing herself past her limits and jumped from one patient to the next gracefully. Steam was already seeping out of her joints as she continued to patch up guards and civilians alike. She constantly thought about her master and how he would be proud of her and her comrades maintaining his hospital functional.

She was determined to save as many Jambherian lives as possible, even if her processors were to burn out.

A doctor grabbed her shoulder while she was tending to another patient. "Wow! Slow down there Leila, you'll burn out if you're not careful, and we need you in top condition," He warned.

Leila nodded as she processed the order and got up off her knees. Her light blue mechanical eyes fluttered about as she scanned the emergency room filled with wounded Jambherians. Her processing units rapidly calculated how long it would take her to treat them and evaluated the circumstances.

"It will take approximately forty-five minutes for me to treat the wounded in this room at my current rate. The success rate is seventy-eight percent, for a one hundred percent success rate, additional power must be supplied," Leila informed.

The doctor sighed and admired her determination. He knew that he wasn't able to argue with her so he accepted her proposal.

"Let me ask for the chief's authorization, hang on," the doctor replied.

Leila nodded and didn't move until doctor returned with the superior's answer. "The chief has given the OK. I'm gonna hook you up to a plasma battery. I hope you're ready," the doctor said with a concerned look.

Leila wasn't a bit worried about her wellbeing. She wasn't programmed to care for herself; she was created to aid the sick and injured. She was finally at peace, knowing her purpose. She nodded for the doctor to proceed.

He pulled back his lab coat sleeve for his bracelet, which could construct nearly any medical tool

The doctor tapped on his computer and digitally constructed a cylinder filled with plasma then unzipped Leila's nurse's dress. She opened a hatch on her back so that the doctor could connect the battery. Leila immediately tapped into her new power source. It coursed through her conduits.

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