Part III

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A while later, dance practice was wrapping up and things seemed to have gone quite smoothly.

"Great practice, everyone!" Minho shouted with a genuine smile. "Hyunjin, you really got that move down now. Nice work!"

Hyunjin ran his fingers through his hair and exhaled, still breathing heavily from the workout. "Thanks, Hyung. Glad you won't air fry me now," he scoffed.

"No promises," Minho smirked, "I'm pretty hungry."

"You're so funny," Felix chuckled, "But seriously, we should go get lunch. I'm starving!"

"Well, let's go then! It's on me." Minho grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his face. "Ugh, after we shower though."

"Race you guys back!" Felix shouted, making a dash for the door. Hyunjin laughed and chased him out. Minho shook his head and followed them out, not wasting his energy on trying to beat them home.

Back in Chan's studio, he, Changbin, and Jisung were busy working on a few track ideas. They ended up wasting a little time, randomly doing a live stream while they played around with some new sounds.

"Guess we're going to be here a while still," Chan said looking at his watch, "I'll order us some dinner later."

"Hey, I'm starting to feel spoiled here!" Changbin hollered, "First homemade breakfast, then lunch on Jisung, and now dinner on you?"

"Aww you can treat us next time," Jisung said, making a kissy face at him.

Changbin quickly grabbed his cheeks. "Save the cutesy stuff for your lover," he smirked, wrinkling his nose.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You're crazy." Jisung fumbled, acting far too awkward even for him.

"Chill, man," Changbin laughed and ruffled Jisung's hair, "I'm just fucking with you."

Jisung chuckled uneasily, then cleared his throat as he tried to get back to focusing on work. "Oh, hey let's look at this part."

They continued on into the late evening, making sure to eat some dinner while they worked. Eventually, they became too exhausted, both mentally and physically.

"I'm burned out, guys," Chan exhaled. "I gotta go veg out in front of the tv or something. Excellent stuff tonight, though." His smile was always so sincere.

"Same. But, I think I need to hit the gym again after all this good food today," Changbin grunted, squeezing his belly.

"What about you, Ji?" Chan asked, patting him on the back.

"I dunno..." he huffed, "There are a few parts that are still bugging me. I might stick around here for a while." He rested his elbows on the desk and put his chin in his hands, pouting slightly.

"Alright. But, don't drive yourself crazy over it," Chan encouraged. "I'm sure you'll be here pretty late though, yeah?"

"Most likely," Jisung sighed, "I'll make sure to shut everything down and lock up when I leave."

"Such a pro," Changbin stood up and crossed his arms, "Can't wait to see what you come up with."

"Don't get too excited, bro, I don't need the pressure," Jisung chuckled. Chan and Changbin said their goodbyes and headed off. "See you guys tomorrow!"

Jisung racked his brain over the next two hours, fussing with all the new stuff they had worked on that day. Even though they were just samples, he wasn't okay with calling it a night until they felt perfect to him.

"Ugh it's so late," he groaned, "I better just quit for now." He was just about to turn everything off when he heard a knock at the studio door.

"I thought I might find you here," Minho smirked as he opened the door and peeked into the room.

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