Part IV

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The next day was busy with the usual stuff. Jisung slept in but decided to meet up with Changbin for a workout later in the morning.

"Let's take a quick break," Changbin huffed, setting down a dumbbell. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and grabbed a bottle of water.

Jisung spun himself around on the pull-down machine bench and threw a towel around his neck. He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his damp hair, then returned the cap facing backward.

"Your arms and shoulders are really looking great, man," Changbin complimented, "Thanks to your personal trainer, of course." He laughed rather loudly, even though he was at least more than half-serious.

"Thanks! And yes, thanks to you," Jisung chuckled. He really did appreciate the guidance from his big bro and pushing him to work on his physique.

"So, hey..." Changbin hesitated as if he were trying to find the right words.

"Yeah? What's up?" Jisung was quite curious about his sudden odd behavior. Changbin usually just blurted out whatever was on his mind.

"Well, I went to the studio this morning before you got up to see what you worked on so late..." He paused again.

Jisung swallowed hard as he felt his stomach drop. He was sure he and Minho didn't leave behind any clothing or...evidence of any kind.

"Were you...umm, watching porn in there last night?" Changbin scratched his head awkwardly.

"What?" Jisung choked. "Why would you think that?" He wasn't sure what Changbin could be talking about. Did he hear something? He was sure no one was around at that time.

"Well, I got on the computer to check out the song samples, and there was one that looked like it was recorded by accident."

"I...don't follow." Jisung was now sweating worse than he was during his workout.

"The recording sounded like, I dunno, like maybe you were watching something on the computer and somehow accidentally hit the record button."

Jisung immediately recalled the moment he bumped into the computer equipment on the desk while Minho was going down on him. He must have hit a button somehow and it recorded them. How much was recorded and what things were heard was his next concern. Though, if Changbin thought it was porn, then he must not have recognized the voices. Right?

"I mean, it was only a couple minutes of it and then suddenly cut off." Changbin put his hand up to his face, nervously pushing his bottom lip to his teeth and biting it. " definitely sounded like two guys doing...things."

Jisung was relieved that Changbin had no idea what really happened, but now he had come up with an explanation for the recording.

"I—" Jisung started to reply, but was interrupted.

"Look, I don't care if you're gay or whatever. I don't even care that this happened really." Changbin rubbed the back of his neck, still feeling quite uncomfortable. "Just a stupid mistake. It happens. I just thought I should tell you what I found, you know?"

"Ah...yeah." Jisung took his hat off again and ruffled his hair. "I'm really sorry about that. I guess I should be more careful." He was happy to not have to explain himself and let Changbin believe whatever he thought for now.

"You're just lucky I'm the one that found it and deleted it." Changbin laughed, finally feeling a little relief from the weird situation.

"Heh, yeah...thanks man," Jisung put his hands on his head and exhaled.

"Always knew you were gay though," Changbin winked and Jisung threw his towel at his face. "You ever going to come out to the guys?"

"Ah...someday. I'm not ready to yet though." Jisung looked down with a slight hint of sadness.

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