1. ɴᴇᴡ ɢɪʀʟ

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   "Hey have you heard—" A slim blonde with a black lightning streak in his hair threw his arm around the neck of his taller black haired friend

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"Hey have you heard—" A slim blonde with a black lightning streak in his hair threw his arm around the neck of his taller black haired friend.

"—there's a new girl on campus and I call dibs." The male scoffed at his friend. "Pssh that's not how dibs work tonto. Plus what makes you think you'll bag her?"

They walked towards their undesignated, designated spot, a big tree that shaded over a full table, gathering with the rest of their friends.

"You can't talk Hanta you're single." The brunette held his signature smirk. "By choice." The blonde retorted in a groan dragging his hands down his face.

Mumbling a 'whatever.' The two boys approached the table catching their friends attention. "Hey you guys what's up?" The redhead acknowledges.

Sero shrugs. "Denki heard bout the new girl and trying to bag her." Denki hits him on the shoulder. "Hey man! I called dibs already so don't try it!"

Mina rolled her eyes. "That's not how the game goes Denki. Everyone has to have seen her to call dibs and we literally don't know what she looks like."

Bakugo scoffs catching everyone's attention. "I know what she looks like and if we're playing by Denki's dumbass reasoning then I been called dibs."

The table turned to look at Katsuki their faces animated. "You've seen her?!" Katsuki mocked. "Seen her? I know the broad."

Denki begged him to keep going. "We kinda grew up together. Her brother goes here too. You'll find out soon, I like keeping you idiots in the dark."

He chuckled watching their faces drain from his stubbornness. The sound of a familiar voice cleared their throat. "Hey guys, just showing my sister around to a few people so she can get comfortable."

They turned around to face the voice finding a greenette. "Deku?! Your sister's the new girl." They exclaimed watching the boy laugh. "News spreads fast we were only here for an hour but yea."

Denki pauses the commotion. "Wait you have a sister?!" His friends looked at him and blinked slowly. "Yea she's my half sister. We have the same dad."

Kirishima looks around in confusion. "Well then... where is she?" He pointed to you a few feet away from the table, taking selfies, before calling you over.

"Hey guys I'm (y/n). Zuzu's big sister." You smile at the new faces seeing a familiar one in the corner. Izuku nudged you with a scoff. "Only by a month." You nudge him back.

The table is struck by silence when you skipped over to Katsuki's side. "Sukii!! I missed you!" They watch as you take the lighter blonde's head stuffing it into your chest keeping it in place with a hug.

Izuku sat down laughing at the situation. Bakugo slapped the side of your thigh to be released because he couldn't breathe.

You pulled away watching his reddened face gasping for air. "Damn woman! Deku get your sister, trying to fuckin choke me." You laugh sitting on his lap.

"I just missed you Suki." You hear a throat clear snatching away your attention. You turned seeing Bakugo's group of friends gawking at you.

"Oh sorry, I grew up with Katsuki and Izuku but I didn't go to the same high school. So I basically haven't really seen Katsuki until now." Denki looks at you in surprise.

"You're sitting on him—" You hum knowingly. "—and he's not trying to murder you." You and Izuku laughs as Katsuki put his head in your shoulder.

"Yea Kacchan is wrapped around (y/n)'s finger. That's mostly why he was cordial to me." Katsuki stuck up his middle finger towards friends. You took his hand wrapping it around your waist

"You better not have been fuckin with my brother Katsuki." He let out a scoff and mumbled 'whatever.' You hear a new voice call out to you

"I just knew Deku had some negro essence to him. I'm Mina, are you gonna live on campus?" A dark skinned beauty with rose gold pink hair exclaimed.

"Oh wow you are soo pretty. Let's be best friends." Mina giggled nodding at your proposal. "And I'm debating on it I might room with Izuku since he's got a place like three blocks from here."

"I'm Eijirou but you can call me Kiri. So (y/n) why'd you show up like a month after school started?" You sighed before answering. "I just didn't wanna go to school. But Izuku forced me out of our mom's house."

"Moms? I thought you only shared a dad? I'm Denki by the way but you can call me yours." You laugh at his flirtations. "Alright then, my Denki, our moms started dating after they found out about our dad."

"That's badass. The name's Hanta Sero, mi queirda." He reached out for your hand to shake kissing the back of it as he maintained eye contact.

Your eyes widen a fracture as you're interrupted by your brother's sarcastic voice. "Ahem. While I would love to watch you guys flirt with my sister, we gotta get going we'll see you later."

"Wait do you have an IG let me get it!" Mina shouted as you got off Katsuki ready to leave. Quickly taking the phone she handed you, you put in your username before leaving

"Bye y'all!!" You blew a kiss to the table. "You're gonna have a lot of followers if you keep that flirting up." You smile at Izuku as he scoffed at your next words

"Ohh look at that I have 5 new ones." You held up your phone showing him the notifications from Instagram.

" You held up your phone showing him the notifications from Instagram

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