16. ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ɢɪʀʟ

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   "Fuckin hell Mina, how'd you break your pinky?" You hissed at the metal finger splint with pink accented gauze that cased the injured finger

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"Fuckin hell Mina, how'd you break your pinky?" You hissed at the metal finger splint with pink accented gauze that cased the injured finger.

She cracked a smile. "Ahh girl you know...just fucking around with heavy shit I shouldn't have been messing with...can't even remember for real, it hurt like a bitch though." She dramatically sighed throwing you off.

"It's a shame, I was planning on getting my nails done this week." She laughs as you fall for her diversion. "So how long you gotta wear this?" She rolled her eyes.

"Doctor said at least 6 weeks. And since it was a clean break it's better because there's no malalignnent. So when it heals it won't be crooked." You nod. "That's good then."

Mina wasn't happy how she got it, but she won't complain she finally got your attention, just what she wanted. "So is there anything I can do for you?" She sat up in your bed focusing on you.

She didn't know what she wanted, she finally got you to herself. "Umm...Just chill with me that would be enough."
You nodded turning on your TV before turning to Mina.

"I'm finna go get us some snacks; We're gonna have a Disney princess marathon." You smile rolling off the bed heading towards the kitchen.

You grabbed some snacks and drinks.

   Continuing your journey back to your room, you heard arguing from Katsuki's room, you paused eavesdropping

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Continuing your journey back to your room, you heard arguing from Katsuki's room, you paused eavesdropping. "Dude qué coño? You broke her fucking finger?! Estás loco?" You held in a breath.

"I'm sorry Sero...are you better at discipline?" Silence. "Do you think you could go that mile? When it's needed?!" Silence. Bakugo's voice popped up.

"I feel what you're saying Sero, trust me, but she was acting out of line, you seen her when she left the room the other day. She was planning to do that to Denki." Kiri spoke up.

"Denki got punished for what he did some days back, I can't let Mina off the hook just because she's a girl. Plus it was a clean break, I made sure of it, it'll get better in no time." You hear Sero sigh. "Fine but Denki how are you doing?"

You hear a squeak then Denki's voice. "My stomach's fine, the bruise went down its yellowish now. And Sero patched up my toy so that's good. Why was Mina bothering me anyway?" You hear a deep sigh.

"She was upset you were hogging (y/n) and wanted me to punish you. I told her that punch to the stomach was punishment enough for you, all that coddling after that was (y/n)'s doing."

Kiri huffed before continuing. "She didn't agree with my decisions. She took things into her own hands so I broke them." You hear silence before he speaks once again.

"So after that night's fiasco I hope I won't have anymore problems, will I?" You hear a collection of 'No's' before scurrying off silently to your room.

You had to calm down and piece the situation together, you couldn't believe what you just heard. You're frightened by Mina's voice knocking you from your trance. "Hey what's wrong, you got lost in the kitchen? You were in there for a minute."

Closing the door you walked over to your side of the bed laughing lightly as you dropped down the snacks. "Yeah... just a wide variety to choose from. Take your pick." You hear her praises of approval, picking up the remote finding a princess movie to put on.

The movie started, you got under the covers, opening a pack of gummy bears before speaking to Mina. "Soo...how'd you break your pinky again? I'm just tryna wrap my head around it."

She looked at you a smile tugged on her face. "Umm picking up something heavy, I wasn't supposed to...ha guess I learned my lesson." You hummed watching as she focused on the movie.

"Are you happy being with me?" She grabbed your hand with her good one. "Of course (y/n), like I love you, love spending time with you." You grin holding her hand back.

"And what about as a group?" You felt her hand loosen her smile started to fade until she picked it back up. "I love being with you, just wanna make sure I have my spot in your life." You nod reassuring her.

"Of course you have a spot Mina. How do you feel about Denki?" She slipped her hand from yours focusing on the screen. "What with the questions (n/n)? We playin 21 questions now."

You giggle to throw her off noticing how she evaded the question. "Nah just wanted to see how invested you are in this relationship. Nothing much." You venture off side eyeing her as she ate some marshmallows.

She hum. You were going to get to the bottom of this soon. You'd keep your eye on their actions and wait until you pieced everything together. Then you would spring it on them.

You just needed some time.

   You just needed some time

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